Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIf needed I can host a TS3 server
Participant@XDC_JAR wrote:
@TurksMeister wrote:
Oooo – What are your steam names?
I Chicken Dinnered the other day playing solo – was super cool!
In Pubg I am XDC-JAR jim is queeks. hope you see us what is your pubg name?
Predictably bmstalker 🙂
ParticipantThe season pass is not gonna be a thing this time they claim. Might just mean separate DLC. I’m unlikely to pre-order it but so long as they don’t push out another battlefront 2 clone then it could be worth a buy.
ParticipantWell discord was suggested, it’s free isn’t it? If not i could set up a server for us to use but does everyone really want another client installed? I’m open to suggestions
ParticipantWould be good to get the old group back together, especially with BFV coming up. We could do a mass re-install of BFBC2 or BF3 as I feel we were super active with those games and a lot of people will have them. I’ve not played a hell of a lot of multi-player PC recently due to just being generally bored with PC games but I think if we can get a big, regular group going again, it’d draw me back in.
Regarding the newer guys, I was an advocate for them, they were young but not stupid and generally pretty funny. They could be annoying at times but then so can I.
ParticipantI’m allowing myself to be hopeful about this. They have no premium pass which I like, you can also play dress up and some of the game play changes like health and ammo only from physical actions look interesting.
However it’s EA and I’m sure they will fuck it up with loot boxes or something equally bad.
Also +1 for the historical accuracy of a female front line soldier with robot arm…
ParticipantSorry for the late reply, not been on the boards a lot. I’ve put quite a few hours into this game over the last year or so and am currently playing it again with Alex. I’ve had a dedicated server up before and plan to get a new one up and running when I repair my server (turns out motherboards aren’t supposed to bend). When I get it up I’ll post the details here.
Good game though, good fun and has the double challenge of having to deal with Alex’s autism at the same time.
Participant@Alzir wrote:
@Beer_Monster wrote:
Following on from a thread fluphy started on the OverclockersUK forums about when people started online multiplayer games. I looked up Rainbow 6 and saw that the release date was august 1998. As far as I know, XDC was formed playing this game, so I propose that the official XDC 20 year anniversary is coming up next year and it will be a mandatory requirement that all current and past members ( with the exeption of Muggles 🙁 ) get together for a drink (water in Max’s case, the big southern jess).
XDC started playing Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II in October 1999, but when I got fed up taking the piss out of that lot (I was 18 at the time), a few of us moved onto Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear. I never actually played the original R6, but I’m pretty sure you and Chris did together, iirc.
That was not really XDC though, and while we had a core of Paddy, Chris, USA Chris, John, Jonny, Neil, Paul, Steve, the Scottish Ben who refered to himself as “Maniac” (who is currently on his bi-decade “I’m pissed off at all of this” fit), and yourself, it wasn’t really until BF42 that things went mental. In any case 1998 is too early, and we’re still only 18, but I’m genuinely sorry to piss on the parade 🙂
We can still get drunk though, that’s certainly in keeping with our founding principles 😉 If this hasn’t happened yet, where might you suggest?
18 is still legal for a drink though. I’m well up for this though, sounds like a blast.
ParticipantThe games I played of it I enjoyed but I’ve had some crashing issues that made it difficult to finish a game. Unfortunately my circumstances have change and I’ll have very little time for gaming any time soon.
ParticipantI just got it, think Gary is going to get it and likely Alex also.
Participant@Cha0sEngine wrote:
What are people playing these days?
Since the wife is divorcing me I gonna have plenty of time on my hands!! (that plan worked then!!) hahahahah
Heroes of the storm here
ParticipantGet some content up then 🙂
Participant@Blackadder wrote:
Hi all (who let me in?), so do I gather you no longer have a TS server?
Hi Blacky, details are: for TS, don’t there is a password. I’m not playing BF1 but some of the guys are in the channel, you should jump on (and any other hussars that want to)