My 2nd & 3rd HoFs – Not as good as it sounds

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  • #14914
    four-aces deluxe

    And the XDC Uni13 Twat of the Year Award goes to….. me.

    I got my 2nd HoF yesterday.
    I was pretty happy with myself and I spent this morning looking for pictures so I could post an amusing Doc-stylie HoF report. I’m quite proud of it.

    But while I was doing that; WHILE I was at my computer, for fuck’s sake, I was being crashed myself.

    And to really rub salt in the wounds he managed to post his Hof before I posted mine.

    Oh well.

    Here’s my 2nd:

    And here’s the 3rd where I get shafted royally due to my own stupidity:

    Nevermind. I should have been studying for my Japanese finals in 3 weeks. At least now I won’t have any distractions for a while.


    Congratulations and bad luck , how long does it take to write up a Hof ???

    never mind , good luck with the exams and make sure you come back 🙂

    xdc the doc

    PMSL. Bad luck m8 – shit happens.

    But really… WTF???? 😀

    four-aces deluxe

    Well I spent 4 hours doing it C.C. most of which was looking for follow up pics to the camp Russian rouletter but I did teach 3 50 minute lessons in that time.

    Then at the end of my lunch break [just after I thought ‘Fuck! What about my fleet… oh bollocks’!] I had to go and teach a bunch of gregarious 16 year old Japanese girls who are normally delightful but this time were a bit vexed by the obviously forced smile I was attempting and my 1000 yard stare.
    I didn’t really feel up to explaining to them that I’d just lost a deathstar, possibly one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to an ogaymer. And I don’t think they’d understand if I told them that ‘I just became the Grand Moff Tarkin of XDC’ in Japanese.

    Don’t worry though, I haven’t spent the last 9 months earning 2 moons and graviton tech just to quit now. I will, as the the great girly-man mocker says, be back.

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