Anyone else COD5

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    Anyone else get it for the PC? FPS was meant for a mouse and keyboard guys!

    Anyways, just wandering, gave it a go and i like it and have been playing since. I got my right of passage, as today is my first COD5 server banning for ‘hacking’, the guy made a logical conclusion that because my kill rate was high and my death rate was low that i must be using hax. Figures.


    total wank…..

    first post for a while *waves*


    @nOm wrote:

    total wank…..

    first post for a while *waves*

    so you’re a fan?

    and yeah, had alot on my plate lately, but im making a quick appearence. Coo-ey!!


    *nods* KBM ftw!

    Played SP, was meh (annoying at times with superbly placed nades at your feet always!) not worth the £40 to pay though, too familiar 🙂

    ha I think he meant first post for him in a while, but works good for the pair of you *waves back*

    p.s. Wonders where JM’s flaming is re treble post now 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    *nods* KBM ftw!

    Played SP, was meh (annoying at times with superbly placed nades at your feet always!) not worth the £40 to pay though, too familiar 🙂

    ha I think he meant first post for him in a while, but works good for the pair of you *waves back*

    p.s. Wonders where JM’s flaming is re treble post now 🙂

    I know what you mean about the nades, sometimes the indicator didnt even bother to warn me lol but i thought the SP was quite cool, didnt take me more then a day to complete but never buy COD games for the SP, all about the MP baby, and tbh, i thought it was gonna be samey samey, and your right, alot of it is, but then again – in my oppinion theyv kept the decents parts and changed just enough to keep it going, im quite enjoying it, not sure about the vehicles yet – but atleast they can be turned off. Its a shame they kept martydom and rocket propelled grenades though 🙁


    This game blew up my gfx card!!!!, well I might be strecthing here but my card was fine when I installed it and then after trying the play it once my system hung and ever since then the gfx card wont work, bugger!!!! 😯


    martydom and rocket propelled grenades though

    kin L, deffo not paying for it now then 🙂

    Farcry2 has me hooked at the mo anyhoos (still not tried MP though) and I might get L4D.. would have thought that be right up yours and steves (when he aint working) street mate?


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    martydom and rocket propelled grenades though

    kin L, deffo not paying for it now then 🙂

    Farcry2 has me hooked at the mo anyhoos (still not tried MP though) and I might get L4D.. would have thought that be right up yours and steves (when he aint working) street mate?

    Was looking into it for some time, and played the demo on the 360 and thght it was cool, me and bro co-op’d and liked it, however, not sure whether il be getting for PC or 360 yet 🙂 but when i do, il give you a shout


    I aint got it on either, played demo on PC and liked but didnt want to buy before I finish FC2.. I’d probably get PC version as a few here have it and like it from what I read 🙂


    I like it – SP was a bit lame and short, but thats fine as I wanted to unlock the zombies! MP is quite novel…


    really into Insurgency at the moment (and Dazz n Gra), got admin on a few servers, and am playing in the ESL league and cup 😯

    found a cracking bunch to play with, shame other xdc dont dig it….ah well


    I enjoyedf it but have not been playing online for a while, will be back soon and fancy some insurgency with yas!


    oh aye forgot about the zombies, I bet thats pretty good in co-op! .. it gave me gb’s when playing alone! 🙂


    @nOm wrote:

    really into Insurgency at the moment (and Dazz n Gra), got admin on a few servers, and am playing in the ESL league and cup 😯

    found a cracking bunch to play with, shame other xdc dont dig it….ah well

    I’ll be trying it again once I sort out my net connection.

    COD5 I’ll try if it slips into a christmas stocking, otherwise it might be a while, but I might enjoy COD games more now as my new net connection should be a lot better than the one I had at home with the fantastic 100-150+ pings.


    Apprently the current World at War domination champs cant handle a player whos better then them. There explanation is i must be using a Pre-Aim and Pre-firing hack (whatever the latter means) and therefore must be banned. Ah well.

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