It seems like everyone is ignoring the reviews that SniperJolly and Rogers did of CoH2 and all of the text and Q&A that Lynx posted. I just want you guys to calm down and relax a bit. All of this talk of CoH Online Hero units and the in game currency that does not exist will do nothing but create hyper bole (if I have the word right). If you’re not impressed just wait until you see the game play and learn what we are saying from the Beta that we will get to play because we listened to what was said.
The currency is supposed to be for future DLC’s.
The XP and Unit boost has been said by Lynx to have nothing to do with paying for an advantage so it may be something entirely different for single player/campaign. Just don’t get your panties in a bunch. (Dane’s words not mine)
As far as the Skins and Commisar chest for level 3 Steam rewards that is pretty cool. If you get the CoH games and Dow 2 Retribution on steam or in any digital format you can always gift them to a player you want to get into Relic’s fanboy club. (I am the president…just kidding) In all honesty have faith in Relic/THQ and relax. Even the Officer Archtype could just be doctrinal Officers. Let the facts come out before you start trashing the game. If you scare one player off that may have bought the game you are doing the game and the community a diservice. Every player is one extra player in the lobby to get quality games with. Who knows you could scare off that one player with your rant based on zero fact that could become your 2v2 mate. RELAX and enjoy the show and Beta if you have the coin to drop on CoH2 now. If not don’t worry you won’t be missing a lot as I a sure this massive semi-open Beta will be shorter than the initial closed invite testing. (If they do that??? but I have no clue I’m just some idiot posting on the internet so don’t take my word as gospel)
Quoted from the COH2 forums on the official site, in response to fears regarding in game currency.