A proper meet up

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    Perhaps July would be amore realistic time for all involved – taking the time off work, in the middle of holidays etc.

    Book the time off enough in advance and everyone should be able to make it – Trains will be cheap too.


    family commitments and all Turks, for some of XDC any way!


    hmmm, i woulda thunk July would be primetime holiday season, with lots of people off on their hols soon, and it’s a lot harder for folks to get time off work (assuming you need to) during this period.

    May or June makes sense, surely.


    Ok… well late June or nout for me then – as long as it is not on the Glastonbury weekend.


    Would love to meet up and start fights and other fun stuff. End of June, begining of July is outfor me and Sharon thou as were on our hols then.

    ps. come to devon!!! (only because it makes it cheaper for me,sharon,daz,nom,viper….and someone else)


    Nice of you lot to think about sunny Nottingham, and it would be good to get a beer or three in.

    But that weekend in May is one where I’m away – and no, you can’t use my house then!! 🙂

    And due to having a family here I can’t really put anyone up, but would be happy to help with whatever arrangements I can.



    XDC Erratic-Space

    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:


    Ha-ha what he lacks in subtlety he makes up for with strength of argument


    I’d seriously consider coming. Don’t understand the concept of ‘airsoft’ though – if it doesn’t hurt, what’s the point? 😕 x 10.

    Went paintballing just once and loved it. I managed to shoot myself in the back. True fact! 😳 x 10. It hurt so much I had to lean against a tree until the pain ebbed sufficiently…

    Beer’s the main thing, of course.

    In terms of dates, I’ll have to see what I can do with whatever is settled on. No kids but have to plan conjugal flights to/from France on an almost monthly basis.

    Fenix out (in Devon, Morgan ;))


    can i come?

    if its in nots i should be able to make it as i can visit family at the same time.


    If anyone is remotely worried about the reputation for guns in Nottingham, then don’t be.

    It’s not like there are people hanging out in all the streets with Uzi’s & pistols, taking potshots at anyone that goes by. Yeah, guns are an issue, but like any decent size city the serious crime and problems are limited to just one or two areas.

    So stay clear of “The Meadows” – quite close to the train station. If you turn right when you come out of the station you’ll be fine. Turn left and you will be shot.

    St Annes is the other area to steer clear of.

    But since neither area is host to either decent hotel or pubs, any XDC meet will be well away from any problems.

    The city centre itself is pretty buzzing. The canal zone at the bottom end of town has some nice trendy bars, Jongleurs comedy club etc. Then on to the Trip to Jerusalem pub that is a must-visit for any new drinkers to the area. Many years ago I was in the Trip’s pub football team, which was a laugh. It dates back to 11th century (the pub, not the team, although we did play like that sometimes).

    After that, wander up towards the castle, and across to the Salutation – the other “oldest pub in England” – it & The Trip argue over the title, along with a dozen other pubs in the country. Doesn’t matter – effin old, but bloody good pubs with proper beer.

    After the Sal, your’re into the City Square proper, with loads of choice on places to go. It’s all a pretty totty-rich area, so for all you singlies out there you can have a crack. For us married/hooked up blokes, we can oggle and imagine we would have a chance if only we weren’t hitched.

    There is a Hooter’s too, but a slightly different pub crawl route would be needed to take this in. Unless that was the final destination of course.

    It’s been a while since I’ve been into town for a proper session, so there maybe some great new places to go to that I have not heard of, but I can always ask around.

    Obviously I would love to join in if I can, but will depend on other weekend commitments. Three weekends in May are already taken up – my brother -in-law is getting married in May and I have a stag weekend to sort out too since I’m Best Man for some reason. Really bad choice – since I’m married to his sister I can’t exactly chat up the bridesmaids can I? 😛


    What about cheap accomodation?

    Do you have youth hostels?


    Turks you Bloody Pikey. Youth hostels might be alright for you ‘yoofs’ but I have a certain standard to maintain, like a park bench or an all night toilet.

    I’m gonna open a new thread concerning having the meet up in June and which date would be best.


    Youth hostels are perfectly adequate… or we could all stay at the Ritz… Phart said he would pay.


    Ooooooh, if Phart is going count me in 😆

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