bf2 on vista??

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2 bf2 on vista??

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    I call it being straight 😉


    @Ryzo wrote:

    @Cha0sEngine wrote:

    well that would make the thing a whole lot more useable… anyway.. im not speaking to you.. i got totally butt fu*ked on the server the other night.. me and 2 tards versus you max and someone else.. pod i think.

    😆 its a bit annoying when you’ve got a team of snipers who do nothing, etc, you on for a game tonight?

    wasnt on last night, but will be tonight. as im working from home tomorrow. so can use the commute time for extra sleep!! 🙂

    EDIT!! hang on.. we talking bf2? or 2142?!? oo err.. getting confused now!! 😕


    im talking 2142, only way to go


    @Ryzo wrote:

    im talking 2142, only way to go

    ahh course!.. yeah ill be on tonite!
    9ish till 10:30 ish prolly.

    i played a bit of bf2 last night on my vista media centre machine.. was a bit jerky coz it aint really built for that.. but seeing the ole maps and stuff made me grin.

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