Nintendo DS card to let me download games for my daughter

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    xdc magicker

    so why did no one tell me about this till now? What use are you people.

    xdc magicker

    can i just check..

    do you need to make any modifications to your ds to use one of these systems?


    not rlly, some of the latest games, i.e. zelda may need patching on ur pc (depending on firmware), but these carts just go into ur DS, so ur ds system wont need any modifications

    XDC MadHippy

    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    I bought 2 DS lites yesterday for my kids. Gonna buy one of these

    Purely for the MP3/Browsing/Ebook facility 😉

    still hasn’t been delivered 🙁 wanted to ‘test’ the kids DS’s

    XDC MadHippy

    It arrived 🙂 Got a guy at work copy some games and made sure it worked. getting a CD full of games tomorrow (evaluation only ofc)

    Can’t wait to play Zelda on christmas day


    oh of course, of course, there well worth it 😀 Zelda rocks! Iv got a external HDD packed with them, i replaced some of the nds Roms on my card last night for others, one or two turned out to be shit (DBZ) however, Age Of Empires is a pretty good game 🙂

    XDC MadHippy

    A dvd with 112 games just arrived – result 🙂


    Ive been doing the R4 for about 12 months…lol……i get them for 30 quid INCLUDING a 1 gig memory card and have got 17 gigs worth of roms.If any body whats one give us a shout and i will let you have em at what a i get them at.Ive made a mint out of the mums at my kids school as ive been selling them at 40 quid with 25 games on….lol.

    xdc magicker

    oh might take you up on that! will get back to you 🙂


    I have the R4 thing and I have dl’ed some roms. I think I need a memory card though (duh). What do I get, a micro sd card? If I just put the stuff onto the card will it play ok, or do I need an emulator? Sorry for stupid questions, but we all have to learn somewhere and the internet has too much confusing information for me to wade through!


    You need a micro sd card 1 gig holds about 25 to 30 games,you then need to put the disc that came with the R4 in your rom and drag all the files in the moonshell folder onto the micro sd card.Then make a new folder on the micro sd came and call it “Games” and drag all your roms {its got to be the .NDS file} into the games folder , insert sd card into R4 then R4 into DS ,turn on, have fun.


    I thought this was meant to be easy ffs. I think I need to unzip them all first, but that’s fine as I need to order my micro sd card too. It’s not for me, it’s to go in my daughter’s Christmas stocking, but I suppose i should have a little play first, just to make sure it all works ok. Doubtless I’ll be back looking for even more help when the sd card arrives


    What no Zip support?? ghey as!

    XDC MadHippy

    The one I linked has everything you need. DS4, 2gb memory card, memory card adapter and also a usb memory card reader (Bonus)


    I know, but I had already bought the other one 🙁

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