Oooo first post …….

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  • #21224

    Ooh I like that! I enjoyed a HL mod of zombies. Can’t remember what it was called but it had shivering skeletons rasping out “so coo-o-oold….. oo-ooo fleshhh creature!”.


    They Hunger 😀


    Ah really Beer?

    I dabble in CS:S a bit. nice change. I willl look for that server and have a go 🙂

    I have Half Life 2 and the story is quiet good. Having those bug things on your side is fun too!, I get stuck on the beach though 🙁 dont know where to go. cant find any way off it.

    I think they are doing day of defeat 2 and Natural Selection 2 for HL2 which look to be excellent games!

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