The best looking FPS I’ve seen for EVER!

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  • #55013
    xdc magicker

    yeh was flagged up in pc zone last month


    no vehicles in multiplayer? bah


    16 players.. surely thats Console.. PC will support more i’d imagine!


    Well this is Call of Duty not Battlefield so no vehicles and 16 players sounds about right.

    These are 2 different games and shouldn’t try to be the same, for large scale battles play Battlefield and for small infantry skimishers it’s Call of Duty simple as that. 😀


    All hail TStyx and his hot bath sig 🙄


    I agree with TStyx 😀 *except i’d like 12 v 12 🙂


    Im pretty sure COD2 was way more than 16 players – more like 32


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Im pretty sure COD2 was way more than 16 players – more like 32

    You’re right it is but it’s a bit like BF with only 5v5, it just doesn’t seem right. Most servers go for the smaller maps and teams, really COD is just Counter Strike so what works for that works for CoD too.

    They tried to make it a Battlefield game with United Offensive but there was a split between people who played so it went back to normal infantry games. I’m glad to see they are sticking to what it’s good at.

    I do see they are bringing in an experience system now probably similar to BF, be interesting to see if that’s a ranked servers only thing too.

    Definately coming for PC though I don’t think they would dare not, after CoD3. Looks very nice though, not sure if it look the same on my machine though (/glares at 6600GT card) 😕

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