To move or not to move

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    I’ve no issues with multiplay as I’ve always found any of my connection problems to be client side (except for ages ago in bfv or something). I’d ask them first what the problems might be.

    After that I guess go with rackage if they’re cheaper, but we’ll also need a new website host.


    Was just looking at the server statistics on clanforge, and has anyone noticed that the FH server is almost always using CPU despite being empty? Neither the TF2 nor the COD servers show this unless they’re being used (although the now inactive COD hardcore server shows cpu spikes over the last week and month, while empty). Since all the servers are run off the same machine, could this be contributing to the lag problem?


    The FH2 Server is (Or was) turned off.. unless someones activated it recently, It’s been offline over a week or so :/


    Still listed as running and doesn’t look as though it’s been off at all in the last month.


    According to the logs dated 05/01/2008, a bleedingwolf restarted it..

    I stopped it because of the thread that suggested we fill up the Rats server instead as they kindly agreed to add us to player slots etc etc.. which makes sense.. I’ll stop it until further notice


    Ahh yea so it does, I was looking at the monthly usage thinking it was yearly 🙂 Anyway, was the cod server lagging over christmas and new year, while the fh server was off?


    ooops, that was me when I downloaded the game, wanted to try flying a few planes but couldn’t connect to the server, meant to stop it again but forgot. Sorry!

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