Oi Pharty! TeamSpeak sucks ass compared to Ventrilo.

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    Ahh right I see, but with ts back on nobody will bother trying Vent. Anyone remember Andy trying to test his own teamspeak server? With our normal server still up, nobody could be arsed moving, even temporarily.


    Oh and btw could someone just confirm this IP and port for the actual Ventrillo server as being:

    IP –
    PORT – 20084

    Just so the idiots guide, is not an idiots guide.


    True but I think we should find out whether Ventrilo is really better and worth all this hassle. Remember its running with a better Codec than the one TS was on. We might all have just gone though this unnecssarily when a simple server side change in TS to bump up the codec to GSM could have resolved all sound quality concerns.

    The only way to tell is put TS on the same codec as vent and do a side-by-side comparision. Or are there other reasons for favouring Vent?? If so Vent fans – please tell us. I think 99% of people just want to use a proggy that works with the games they play.


    Well the TS server I mainly use on eve was recently upgraded to improve quality, and it is much better than the XDC TS server. Any ventrillo server I’ve tried, have been better than even that one, so I’m a convert. I’m not bothered which we use in the end though, and actually you can use both at the same time.


    I’ve been using ventrilo for over two years with Team Dissidents and we absolutely love it. Easily customizable for any needs. TS has a bit more features, but the clarity is just crap compared to vent. So for us, the clarity is well worth it.

    Lammie, Did you get TS3 beta running? I hear it has the same codec’s as vent and we are waiting to see if this new version is any better than what TS is now. If the new TS is the same as vent in clarity, we will probably switch over as you can host your own server.

    If any of you all want to stop by our vent server…chat it up with me, Queeks, and sometimes JAR…here’s our vent info:


    PW: gatorade


    @Morph wrote:

    Lammie, Did you get TS3 beta running? I hear it has the same codec’s as vent and we are waiting to see if this new version is any better than what TS is now. If the new TS is the same as vent in clarity, we will probably switch over as you can host your own server.

    Nope Beta to my knowledge hasn’t been released yet they are still doing internal stress tests, but as soon as I get hold of the server and Client files I will gety a box setup and see how it performs


    @Wipers wrote:

    Cheers Pharty – will give it a go this afternoon

    Wipey, I took the liberty of creating some channels in TS, hope you don’t mind 😳 I have set them all up using speedex 25.3 codecs and each channel sort order is numbered sequentially using 100 increments so if you want to add other channels between them you can without having to piss around with the sort order to get it where you want it.

    feel free to change delete add or move them arround if it’s not what you had in mind.

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