COD 4 Review

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  • #61751

    Stat whore!

    crazy hippo

    @PoD[1st-BW] wrote:

    can somebody ffs explain to me how I can use all these unlocks I have earned, I still only see the standard classes with no room for change/expansion

    you need to use the create a class section. you can then select a primary weapon, secondary weapon, grenades and the 3 perks of your choice.
    you can find it in the multiplayer front end menu or you can do it at the end of a round once in game.


    Hippo, brilliant, many thanks

    @wolf, what a useless remark, what do unlocks have to do with stats


    So could someone describe or compare the gameplay of this to that of TF2 please? and dont say its better than TF2 or TF2 is shit lol. I mean actually how the game plays!!


    good laugh tonite, must say smaller server was better, prefered the bomb/defuse over tdm, which imo needs fewer players to get the best out of it, think that setting it on hardcore might be good fun…more intense…


    Aye.. brill laugh, I’ll be on tonight for more of the same


    @nOm wrote:

    good laugh tonite, must say smaller server was better, prefered the bomb/defuse over tdm, which imo needs fewer players to get the best out of it, think that setting it on hardcore might be good fun…more intense…

    aye, was good, liked the tdm part as well, but indeed less intense, how many other flavours do we have?

    Must switch off the killcam, and I seem to remember from COD2&3 we can also disable grenades and certain types of weapons.


    @Mugworth wrote:

    So could someone describe or compare the gameplay of this to that of TF2 please? and dont say its better than TF2 or TF2 is shit lol. I mean actually how the game plays!!

    The closest you’ll get is Battlefield 2 as a comparison but it does seem a bit better balanced. Obviously, there isn’t the ridiculous vehicle/air power imbalances that BF2 suffered from. Still lots of bunnyhopping though.

    I think with Crysis out on Friday I’m not going to bother much with CoD4 mp but of all the game modes you might want to give Domination a try. It’s basically the Battlefield formula where you fight over control points (3 per map) and for me it was the best mode.

    Have to say I thought that the sp campaign lost it’s way 2/3 of the way through after being brilliant up until a certain point, bit disappointed with that.


    Interesting, well I just bought TF2 recently and not too fussed about Cysis yet. TF2 will do me for now lol, its a dam good laugh to play anyway


    I think with Crysis out on Friday I’m not going to bother much with CoD4 mp but of all the game modes you might want to give Domination a try.

    Review say

    Thankfully multiplayer isn’t useless this time around. While only two modes are available, both team based players and deathmatch lovers will have some action to enjoy. The team-based mode, Power Struggle, can have a steep learning curve for its complication. There are several objectives on the map, players have to purchase their weapons, energy has to be stored, vehicles can be purchased, and enemy bases have hardcore defenses. Working in a team is a must to get anything done. But once you understand the premise and can coordinate with your teammates to complete the specific goals, it does get pretty exciting. I don’t know that it’ll steal me away from Team Fortress 2 or Call of Duty 4

    each to thier own I guess


    I’m not really bothered about Crysis mp either. But I’ll have the single player Crysis to get through, Mass Effect and UT3 a week later and I’m still halfway through The Witcher.

    If it had been a quiet month I might have got into CoD4 mp but I just don’t have time.


    Mass Effects on Newsgroups since this week 🙂

    some sexual games out at the mo.. Assasins Creed being another.. topness


    Copy arrived yday, gave it a go, rlly liked the Chernobyl sniping mission, thought it was class, put a big smile on my face – crawling under the trucks, avoiding detecting, and then the bit before the exvacuation was quality! Wont ruin it for people who havnt got there – or havnt got the game yet.

    That mission was creepy aswell! Why couldnt of Stalker been like that 🙁 ?


    @Ryzo wrote:

    … and then the bit before the exvacuation was quality! Wont ruin it for people who havnt got there – or havnt got the game yet.( ?

    I thought that bit was the joint worst part of the entire game. From that point on is where I felt the sp campaign completely lost it’s way. The first part of that mission was good though.

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