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  • #40473
    crazy hippo

    yeah thats cool. i suggest people make as much cash from this if they can while the demand is so high.


    Well looks like I’ve escaped the net cut off, just have to tank legit chat a little longer and then bob’s your uncle, or at least hippo is.

    crazy hippo


    glad to hear you avoided the net cut off. have you got that sorted out or is it only a temporary fix?

    btw nice kills this morning fella. i hope those haulers dropped something nice


    hehe yea that was a fun night, lost a fair few ships as well as some nice kills, but then that’s what a bottle of vodka does to ya 🙂

    Had a great fight today vs pirates in the new ships, and just to be a statwhore:


    Perhaps this weekend we can do the trial account thing. Who all do we have up for it?

    crazy hippo

    i am up for it on sunday afternoon/evening

    xdc the doc

    What clan you guys in? My brother in law has been showing me this game over the past few days – hes mad for it! Hes in a clan call the imperial republic or something like that (I LOL’d when I explained to him that an imperial republic is the most stupid concept I have ever heard of 🙂 )

    When you guys gonna build a titan?


    You’d better watch it Doc, or the Imperial Republic might send some Communist Nazis to get you.

    crazy hippo


    nice kill Al

    as for building a titan, my alliance now has a couple of them 🙂


    heh be a long way off building a titan! only the 2 biggest alliances in the game have those due to the time, skills and isk needed to make one. there will never be that many titans in the game. very rare to see one to be honest.


    Played this for a good 18 months and had a 6-7 sp character. (No you can’t have my stuff 😛 )

    Re-actived my account 2 months ago and closed it again within a week.

    Whilst EvE is eye candy and then some, it just far to slow paced and I expect soon you’ll be able to take a degree in how to play because since launch this has no doubt become one of ‘the’ most complex MMO’s out there.


    Nice touch in eve is the PVP (player vs player for those needing translation) tournament. Basically it’s a tourney between alliances in game and they have a live feed showing it.


    Sadly the live feed is not quite as funny as it was in the summer when I first saw it, but it is still hillarious. In between matches we have eve pundits. Yes you read that right. When I reactivated my account hey had really geeky ones, but they’re not so bad these days. To the un initiated I’m sure that link will still provide many many laughs 🙂

    The Ronin is my alliance – currently in quarter finals, Hippo is in Band of Brothers, also in quarter finals, tourney favourites, and winners of all tourney’s so far (this one is the 3rd). Sadly neither of us are competing in these games, except in providing financial support.

    The feed is an interesting introduction to pvp and I would recommend watching it. It’s by no means real pvp, but once you understand the tactics (eve is a tactical game) you are a long way to understanding eve’s attraction.

    crazy hippo

    i was in the last tourny for norad but my skills are no where near good enough to be in the bob team. but none the less its a cracking event for a game.


    btw doc I think you would like this game, give me a time when you can try it and I’ll show you the ropes during a 2 week free trial.

    Beermonster and Max, listen up pls, Legit is a boring cunt, if you want to enjoy this game then talk to me about your skills (or hippo, the crazy one) I’m confident we can have a lot of fun on very little money. It may mean running a few times but fuck that is the game. Getting a good kill is great fun, getting a good fleet battle (6-9 month + gameplay to be effective in one) priceless

    You should reconsider your postion on the game……Without even hearing your views I know I had the exact same view on the game as you did before I linked up with crazy hippo.

    CH is now beyond our reach in terms of giving very new players a chance at pvp, but I can help.


    I should add that I’m sure CH will help anyone out, just that the biggest help he gave me was in allowing 0.0 access.

    Without 0.0 access you are going to learn fuck all about this game, and infact it may as well be a single player game imho. I can sort out such access now…..thanks tio CH’s efforts during the summer.


    Woot got my thrasher 2 days ago.

    Fitted with 6 280mm howitzers and a rocket launcher. Next is a mining barge, about 4 days away from it.

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