Northern Strike Unlocks

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike Unlocks

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    And this will be nice and easy to admin when the flag becomes uncappable again because…. …. …

    Fuck EA 😛

    They were too slow to react to statpadders and cheaters and they still haven’t fixed that was wrong with the game vanilla so how they can dare do a booster pack without even finishing off it’s base is beyond me.

    On top of that – I bought all expensions and booster packs for every previous Battlefield game – the only one I ever truly loved was road to rome, the rest were average at best and only got played for a few nights for people to try then forget them. In the long run these boosters always will be a waste of money because seriously who the fuck can actually forsee this ever being on the server long-term whether people bought it or not? It’s one of those things that just isn’t going to have enough life in it to warrant paying for it – if anything it should be given free not as a patch but as an ‘I’m sorry for selling you a broken game’ dealio -_-


    @LeGIt wrote:

    And this will be nice and easy to admin when the flag becomes uncappable again because…. …. …

    Fuck EA 😛

    They were too slow to react to statpadders and cheaters and they still haven’t fixed that was wrong with the game vanilla so how they can dare do a booster pack without even finishing off it’s base is beyond me.

    On top of that – I bought all expensions and booster packs for every previous Battlefield game – the only one I ever truly loved was road to rome, the rest were average at best and only got played for a few nights for people to try then forget them. In the long run these boosters always will be a waste of money because seriously who the fuck can actually forsee this ever being on the server long-term whether people bought it or not? It’s one of those things that just isn’t going to have enough life in it to warrant paying for it – if anything it should be given free not as a patch but as an ‘I’m sorry for selling you a broken game’ dealio -_-

    lmao and this coming from a complete cock


    @sickofitall wrote:

    @=XDC=JuDgE-MenTaL wrote:

    Bug Fixes

    – Can no longer knockout Cavewoman class with spikey club and drag back to uncap cave base.

    Well EA can fuck off then. That was not a bug it was a VALID TACTIC. Plus they removed my Pleistocene Pimping Gold Medal. Fucking wankers can stick their game. I’m done.

    I know m8, their first big mistake was removing the Wooly Mammoth Arty I used to rule with that…really gay and all because of n00bs saying their Anurognathus Jets couldn’t take off.

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