GD thupid crapy game!!

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2 GD thupid crapy game!!

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    @Lensman wrote:

    Oh bum.

    So if I’m already patched to Armoured Forces/1.3, will it all go tits up if I now install SF? Or is reinstalling the 1.3 full patch all I need to do after SF?

    If you install SF now which it may or may not do it will roll back to version 1.02(i think) so you will have to apply 1.2 full>Euro Forces(if you have it) 1.3 full – and the Armoured fury. You could try just installing 1.3 full after reinstalling SF but if you have Euro Forces you will need to use the method posted above because Euro Forces requires 1.2 in order to install.


    yes SF was out before 1.3 , so you have to re install 1.3 if you install
    SF at any point even if 1.3 was on your comp before cause SF revert the version back to sthg like 1.2 or whatever the number…

    dammit, 2 min too late


    Cheers. I don’t have EF, so I’ll just try the 1.3 again.

    But all this does rather beg the question of what happens if I choose to buy things in a different order to their release? Say I decide now to buy EF? It’s going to be endless farting about.

    I would hope that the EF installer would be updated when a new patch is released, so it should not matter about tracking down old 1.2 patches, say. It’s going to potentially royally screw things up if I ‘downpatch’, and then repatch up again.


    WOW Punkbuster has moved on somewhat from BFV, right well update PB, so hopefully it should be ok now. Cheers Wipers.


    @Ronathon wrote:

    Fresh install –> all mods + addons –> full 1.4 patch

    I think 🙂

    1.4 hey……… ❓


    he must be secret 1.4 haver!

    get him!!


    yeah 1.4 is great jalalalalalalalalbad is the shiznit 😉

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