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    She needs locking up.


    Man am I bored of people like this, using God as a weapon to get their publicity. If she read the bible she would have discovered that, regardless of whether you beleive it or not, The God portrayed there is loving and caring. Admittedly the old Testament portrays god as a bit nasty when provoked, but the reality is that if he really was the vengeful God she describes, He would have created another flood, or apocalypse, or Sodm and Gomorrah.

    Had she read the bible properly she would be aware that God declares that He will judge people, it’s not up to us to judge people (I am talking about moral judgements, not legal).


    Although the woman is obviously a nut case, it seems to me that Fox news got her on the show just to lay in to her… they take it all very personally… wouldnt happen in the UK!


    Infact they ask her questions, and then dont give her the opportunity to answer them – the whole thing is fucking rediculas… they are just provoking a mad person to say mad things!!


    She says the same thing over and over again…

    Its almost robotlike.

    Totaly brainwashed.


    needs a good beatdown that is what she needs, and then tell her it was gods will so she can’t file a complaint. And then give her a god given golden shower

    XDC Minti

    some one please push her in front of a train.

    XDC Dutchman

    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    Man am I bored of people like this, using God as a weapon to get their publicity. If she read the bible she would have discovered that, regardless of whether you beleive it or not, The God portrayed there is loving and caring. Admittedly the old Testament portrays god as a bit nasty when provoked, but the reality is that if he really was the vengeful God she describes, He would have created another flood, or apocalypse, or Sodm and Gomorrah.

    Had she read the bible properly she would be aware that God declares that He will judge people, it’s not up to us to judge people (I am talking about moral judgements, not legal).

    Well said Wolf.
    It was a very valid point they raised saying that there’s 100 people in her church, and 80% is her family !
    The worst thing is a lot cults/sects get started by people warping the bible to fit their purpose.

    xdc the doc

    This gets to the heart of what i see as the problem with christianinty…. there are TWO gods! It is impossible in my mind to reconcile the god of the old testament with that of the new. Whenever I try too i have a creepy feeling that I am engaging in a bit of orwellian double think.

    I do believe in God for better or worse, call it a throwback to my catholic upbringing or a self delusional clutching at straws for hope of an afterlife if you will (I sometimes do!) but I do actually believe in him. What I have chosen to do is to ignore the entire rediculous old testament in its entirety and persuade myself that Jesus gave us the facts as they are – but didnt want to upset the applecart too much by telling the jews that everything they were doing thus far was a pile of shite.

    At the end of the day with this policy you cant go wrong… you avoid all the homophobic vengeful bullshit that corrupts religion and you are just left with love every1, treat your neighbour with respect and the supreme value of forgiveness… even if it turns out to be a pile of crap when you die you have still lived what would be called a moral life from a humanitarian point of view 🙂

    Edit: PS I should make clear – any parts of the new testament that dont as far as I am conserned directly relate to what Jesus thought I dismiss out of hand as well – revelations and a lot of the apostle Pauls nonsense are obviously the work of man rather than the work of god I reckon.


    I always remember the line in bit in Hamburger Hill, when one of the soldiers who’s on his fourth tour or something, tells teh story about how he gets off a plane and there are peace protesters thowing dog shit at him, saying that they wished he was dead. His own country hated him so he’d rather stay in Vietnam. This isn’t quite the same thing, but imagine the soldiers out in teh gulf seeing those placards, it isn’t good for morale.

    Turks is right about Fox News, but they are very biased. If it had been the BBC though they’d probably have agreed with her. As soon as they turned the argument around on her though, she didn’t like it much. Don’t pass judgement on others or you will get judged too.


    There’s an enormous difference between “faith” and “blind faith”.

    The latter is where all the extremists live – no matter what your religion. Irrespective of any argument or reasoning they return to words along the lines of “it is written in scripture”. And for them that’s it – argument closed. There is simply no reasoning with such self delusional people.

    I could rant on about this forever, but I won’t as that will mean my Sunday afternoon will have gone! 🙂

    As a slight aside, a very good friend of mine who I’ve known for years is a Muslim. About 10 years ago he was saying to me how worried he was by the increase in Muslim extremists, and how he could see major global problems ahead as a result of this and subsequent backlash.


    @Lensman wrote:

    I could rant on about this forever, but I won’t as that will mean my Sunday afternoon will have gone! 🙂

    … and the end of your life really…

    xdc magicker

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Although the woman is obviously a nut case, it seems to me that Fox news got her on the show just to lay in to her… they take it all very personally… wouldnt happen in the UK!

    You have to remember that fox news is a right wing religius institite and pretty much follow where george bush tells them to.

    as for not happening in the UK – the BBC gives a shit load of air time to religious nutters – just look at the disproportionate air time a few evangelical christians got over the jerry springer the opera fiasco and the sikh protests over the play in birmingham.

    the today program frequently has nutters with extreme minority views and gives them 10 mins to rattle off nonsence and that does not include thought for the day.

    at least in this case the fox representatives tried to rationalise with her – the bbc would never have confronted her and at best invite someone else along to try and give ballance with out pointing out that she was nuts.

    like docs says christians have a basic prob with the old testament nutter god which most sensible christians have kinda brushed aside or atleast taken the view that the new testament ethos supercedes the old testament.

    refusal to do so leaves christians in a no win situation in just the same way as trying to hold on to a creationist view undermines and sence of seriousness that they can be taken with.

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