my video card has started asking to be pugged in to a supplemental power supply (which it is) i have checked that it is plugged in correctly. I have not changed anything at all on my pc for over a year.
I would have thought a psu would either work or not work at all?
What Turks says. Blowing your nose can really help your PSU get better quickly, I normally blow mmine at least once a day to keep my PSU healthy. If that doesn’t work, you could always try night nurse, works a treat on dodgy PSU’s (you can download it from your local Chemist).
Yes it is possible for a PSU to loose power to a specific device.
The series of cables and connectors supply various voltages to the internal compontents. These are typically 12v and 5v however it may not be the PSU it could be the voltage rail on the system board not carrying enought power from the PSU to the PCI / PCI-e bus.
If you have a PCI-e Card these draw a lot of power from the PSU so you need a pretty beefy PSU to guarentee enough power is availabe to the card especially under load.
I have d/l and installed super icu-nurse platinum edition but sadly there was no improvement.
The psu i have is 550w and the card is a gf 6600gt agp card a conversion from the 6600gt pci card i believe , (a combo that has worked fine for 2 years i think approx ).
yes my pc is kind of old now , so yes i know i could do with a new one lol