FS: Dedicated PCI Hardware SATA RAID 3 Card

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    Well I bought it a year ago when I built this machine, but 1 of my drives started to fail and now I’m flat broke, so I disbanded my RAID and because I’m skint I’m gonna have to flog it.

    Basically, it allows you to do the usual RAID 0,1 setup. Why should you use this instead of onboard RAID? The card has it’s own dedicated memory and resoruces, freeing up performance on the rest of your system. In addition it can also do a partial hybrid of RAID0+1, known as RAID 3. Ooh and did I mention it’s totally driverless?

    Basically with RAID 3 you get the performance benefits of having 2 drives working as 1, but without the downside of 1 drive failing making you lose you data. What happens is a 3rd drive, known as the parity drive, continually backs up files being accessed etc as and when they are being used. The best part is 1 of your drives could die on you in the middle of playing a game, but the parity drive takes over so you can carry on as if nothing happened.

    How will you know if your drive is goosed when the RAID fails? Well, the usual tell tale signs hehe, shite performance for a second or 2t untill the parity takes over and strange noises, but also on startup it will notify you of any errors in a BIOS/POST stylemessage.

    If you’re skeptical if it works or not, escpecially with my drive being buggered: it did excatly what it says on the tin and I never lost a single file or noticed a difference! I’m just flogging it because I can maybe live without it, I can’t afford another drive to rebuild the RAID and I’m also fucked for cash – literally.

    It’s an XFX Revo64 Gamer (3 Port), there is a 5 port model available, but I don’t have that 😛 It cost me around £100 at the time (probably a bit more) and was hoping for between £50 – £75 for it delivered, but the more ££ the merrier!! I’d like to say I could reserve it for someone, but the bills can’t wait, the sooner I can pass it on the better!! Even £40 – £50 for a quick sale would do TBH 😳

    Check the linky for specifics anyhow 🙂



    @legit wrote:

    What happens is a 3rd drive, known as the parity drive, continually backs up files being accessed etc as and when they are being used

    That’s so not how a Parity drive works at all.


    Well whatever who cares as long as it works 😛 been a while since I actually studied RAID’s and my memory ain’t what it used to be.

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