Plumbing help required :-(

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  • #15837
    XDC MadHippy

    The girlfiend has just aquired a dishwasher and also wants a fridge with drinks dispenser and ice maker

    It seems I have to to extend the cold water supply all the way round the kitchen for the fridge and also a waste pipe back from the dishwasher (thankfully the DW is gonna be locateda metre away from the sink.

    My questions?

    Would it be easy for me to do? (I’m not bad with a drill etc)

    Any websites available with instructions? (I’ve been looking)

    Do I use copper or plastic?

    Should I get a professional to do it?

    I’m thinking I could use one of those valve thingys that tap into existing pipes and do one run of plastic piping to the fridge (going under the kickboards of the cupboards) . A second run to the dishwasher and then replace the waste pipe under the sink for one with double connectors and run the waste from the dishwaser and washing machine straight in.

    I’m no plumber but I think this should be easy to do rather than pay out for a plumber.

    SO… Get ya plumbing hats on and give me the advice I need to make the girlfiend happy (leavin her is not an option I’m afraid)

    The constant verbal abuse is putting a strain on my game playing time and if I get this sorted I can get me 42″ telly and Nintendo Wii (yay!)


    We have been through a couple of those fridge, and whilst they are fucking awesome (I love eating the crushed ice!)… we once had one which was really noisy… cant remember which one though – basically makre sure you do somre research (it used to hummmmmmmmmm…. but a very boring basey manotonous note)


    Would it be easy for me to do? (I’m not bad with a drill etc)

    It’d be a piece of piss.

    Any websites available with instructions? (I’ve been looking)

    You’re a bloke and blokes don’t need instructions.

    Do I use copper or plastic?

    If it’s on show use copper, if you can hide it use plastic.

    Should I get a professional to do it?

    It’s more fun to make your own leaks.

    I’m thinking I could use one of those valve thingys that tap into existing pipes and do one run of plastic piping to the fridge (going under the kickboards of the cupboards) . A second run to the dishwasher and then replace the waste pipe under the sink for one with double connectors and run the waste from the dishwaser and washing machine straight in.

    One of those valve ‘thingys’ might work, it’ll depend on the fittings to the fridge. And if you’re changing the wastepipe don’t get the fall wrong it needs to be 1:44 otherwise it’ll run too quick and pull the water traps out and smell the place up.

    I’m no plumber but I think this should be easy to do rather than pay out for a plumber.

    Most so called plumbers are shit anyway.

    XDC MadHippy

    @Feldmarschall Rummel wrote:

    Would it be easy for me to do? (I’m not bad with a drill etc)

    It’d be a piece of piss.

    Any websites available with instructions? (I’ve been looking)

    You’re a bloke and blokes don’t need instructions.

    Do I use copper or plastic?

    If it’s on show use copper, if you can hide it use plastic.

    Should I get a professional to do it?

    It’s more fun to make your own leaks.

    I’m thinking I could use one of those valve thingys that tap into existing pipes and do one run of plastic piping to the fridge (going under the kickboards of the cupboards) . A second run to the dishwasher and then replace the waste pipe under the sink for one with double connectors and run the waste from the dishwaser and washing machine straight in.

    One of those valve ‘thingys’ might work, it’ll depend on the fittings to the fridge. And if you’re changing the wastepipe don’t get the fall wrong it needs to be 1:44 otherwise it’ll run too quick and pull the water traps out and smell the place up.

    I’m no plumber but I think this should be easy to do rather than pay out for a plumber.

    Most so called plumbers are shit anyway.

    Ta mate!! I’ve talked her out of the drinks dispenser so only the dishwasher to do. Gonna go up the shop and buy her fridge and my 42″ Plasma today. Just gotta find a nintendo Wii for the kids on my travels and everyone will be happy

    Need to put an electrical socket in the kitchen now though 🙁 Shouldn’t be a problem as it’s only a plaster board wall and theres a socket in the living room I can connect to

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