NTL (virgin upgrades) aka wooot 20mb braodband!

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  • #16189
    xdc magicker

    bittorrent tastic 20meg broadband from may and more importantly

    “We’re even turbo-charging our upload speeds to 768kbps, so you’ll be able to send emails or upload photos 50% faster than before.”



    All that speed and your never online playing.. ghey! 😀


    And may we ask about the price, not just money, but been a part of the bearded tax dodging twats dream ?

    xdc magicker

    branson for president 🙂


    Hmmm why ?


    Just signed up to Virgin today – get connected next saturday – GET IN!!!


    Wow! That’s 2.5MB/sec download! If it works 😛

    xdc magicker

    going off past performance – you will get most of the 20 meg most of the time except between 4:00 and 8:00 when it drops to around 4 meg

    even on 10 meg link you can download a full 4.4 gig movie in an hour


    Bear in mind branson doesn’t have shit to do with ntl: apart from selling them Virgin Mobile, you shouldn’t be downloading movies you don’t legally own in one format or another and that they have introduced traffic shaping -_- If you hammer you connection @ max speed for 20mins you get capped to half speed for the rest of the day… not to mention the probl;ems thousands ofpeople have been having with their connections (myself included) since the rebranding =/

    xdc magicker

    @LeGIt wrote:

    Bear in mind branson doesn’t have shit to do with ntl: apart from selling them Virgin Mobile, you shouldn’t be downloading movies you don’t legally own in one format or another and that they have introduced traffic shaping -_- If you hammer you connection @ max speed for 20mins you get capped to half speed for the rest of the day… not to mention the probl;ems thousands ofpeople have been having with their connections (myself included) since the rebranding =/

    will you be quiet!

    it is hard to take moralising wank from someone who drives a bike like a self confessed death waiting to happen.

    and the traffic shaping is only applied as a trial in certain areas – i can have my connection running at 10 meg all day (bar buys periods) no bother what so ever.

    again half truth banged out as fact


    Full truth – I pay for 1mb, when my conneciton works I connect @ 2mb… but the past 5 weeks I’ve been dl’ing @ 1-4kbps… with multiple packets lost to their DNS servers and rebooting the box only means you can’t see the DHCP server for hours too =/

    Those certain traffic-shaping trial areas… do you know which areas those are? They’re the UK 😛 They’re just taking their time getting around to switching it all on…

    Your own half truths banged out as fact too though implying Branson had anything to do with ntl: !! He sold them Virgin Mobile for hard cash and a few measly % of their assets, nowhere near enough to be in any kind of control. Anything that Virgin Media does, it does without him. The only reason they’re using the Virgin name at all is to try and piggy back on Branson’s success 😛


    NTL have only licensed the Virgin brand – for 30 years I think. Part of the deal is that they have to deliver a level of service that is upto the standards implied by the Virgin name – that’s a key element to brand management.

    All of the Virgin “sell-offs” are covered by equivalent deals, because the brand is so powerful. Branson is a *very* smart bloke. The Virgin group is still the largst single shareholder in the new company.

    So, yes, NTL are using the Virgin name to “piggy back” on the success of the brand – but it ain’t free, and it can be revoked at any time if standards are not met.

    xdc magicker

    @LeGIt wrote:

    Full truth – I pay for 1mb, when my conneciton works I connect @ 2mb… but the past 5 weeks I’ve been dl’ing @ 1-4kbps… with multiple packets lost to their DNS servers and rebooting the box only means you can’t see the DHCP server for hours too =/

    Those certain traffic-shaping trial areas… do you know which areas those are? They’re the UK 😛 They’re just taking their time getting around to switching it all on…

    Your own half truths banged out as fact too though implying Branson had anything to do with ntl: !! He sold them Virgin Mobile for hard cash and a few measly % of their assets, nowhere near enough to be in any kind of control. Anything that Virgin Media does, it does without him. The only reason they’re using the Virgin name at all is to try and piggy back on Branson’s success 😛

    Look you little cock! Re-read this thread! Go on! Come back when you have finished…

    Read it yet??? no.. i mean read.. not just skim it for vague ideas like you normally do and then talk crap for 10 minutes.

    Right.. now can you point out at any point in this thread where I say that Richard Branson is in any way connected with Virgin Media? The only time I refer to Branson in any way at all is when Snell made a neat side swipe at his tax dodging antics and I made a glib remark about him being president.

    and then some odious little twerp come barging in with his size 10 boots about rumors regarding traffic shaping on the NTL network (for information in the swansea trials of this see here http://www.newswireless.net/index.cfm/article/3160). Certainly the 10 mb connections are being marketed as unlimited but i cant see this being sustainable during peak time which i think i fair enough myself

    quite frankly i don’t know shit about virgin :ntl : telewest etc which is why you will see i have not made any claims about anything in this whole thread.

    what is really pissing me off is people coming in here and stamping out x, y and z as truth and fact when it is clearly a mixture of speculation and rumor

    as to your assertion that your 1mb cable connects at 2mb i find very hard to believe as with cable techs you get what your modem has been told to give you and not the best available as seen in the adsl world but i really find it hard to believe a word you say these days..

    oh and someone asked how much the 20 mb will be : at present the 10 bed is 34 quid a month and this will rise to 37 when you are upgraded.


    … do we really need to go through this argument shit again?

    …you could at least be civil to each other…

    xdc magicker

    fuck off turks 😉

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