Pyro’s are useless

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    Well we had a bit of a discussion about this on ts tonight, and I concede you did rally well as a pyro Jonny, BUT putting your talents into another class would be excellent 🙂 I know Mug’s loves his pyro as well but why guys? For me as a soldier the pyro is the easiest class to kill, without a doubt, and the class has no use in matches (probably because it’s the easiest to kill). You will get the odd kill at close quarters, but even then you have to rely on crits realistically. There is no reason to play pyro in my eyes, and I’m a real life pyromaniac 😉


    wait till you play a clan who use nothing but scouts…..then shall you see a reason for the Pyro 🙂


    Yea ok but how many people are that anal? And anyway, I think I’d still prefer soldier over pyro…..maybe just because I can’t play pyro though 🙂


    have to admit I was getting a bit stresssed with your stressings last night Matt 😛
    I use whichever class is suited to the moment. That was the first game I’ve played in almost 5 months and apart from trying to get my head round where I’d allocated the controls I was also pretty rusty. Pyros certainly are not useless especially when used in combo. A Pyro backing an engy can cause real problems and also using one in a push behind a medic-heavy or soldier combo can really help push the balance. Each character has it’s merrits and if you check my stats you will see that I’ve gained most points as a medic but if you really want to talk about a class thats not so usefull (in most maps anyway) how about the sniper? 😉


    I like playing pyro and it is my most played class, however soldier is not far behind and then engineer.

    I tend to play whichever class is suitable at the time.

    Pyro vs scout is better than soldier vs scout for sure. Also pyro is very good vs engineer buildings 🙂

    also very good for detecting spies and stopping them doing bad things!


    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    have to admit I was getting a bit stresssed with your stressings last night Matt 😛
    I use whichever class is suited to the moment. That was the first game I’ve played in almost 5 months and apart from trying to get my head round where I’d allocated the controls I was also pretty rusty. Pyros certainly are not useless especially when used in combo. A Pyro backing an engy can cause real problems and also using one in a push behind a medic-heavy or soldier combo can really help push the balance. Each character has it’s merrits and if you check my stats you will see that I’ve gained most points as a medic but if you really want to talk about a class thats not so usefull (in most maps anyway) how about the sniper? 😉

    i feel sullied…..deserting us


    hehe n0m sorry m8. I got back in later in the evening last night and thought I’d give TF2 another quick poke. not deserting. Just broadening my horizons m8 😉
    Had a good game or 2 with Alzir todayso the rust is coming off a bit


    Haven’t played TF2 in ages. Must do the same as spunker and broaden my horizons 🙂


    TF2 is great!


    @Alzir wrote:

    Yea ok but how many people are that anal? And anyway, I think I’d still prefer soldier over pyro…..maybe just because I can’t play pyro though 🙂

    more and more, too many of the pesky bastards these days (speaking NZ tho). Simply put the pyro has it’s niche, he’s great when the enemy class count is leaning toward scout and spy so definitely not useless. It’s just about hiding on corners and taking short range routes rather than using the soldiers route 1 subtlty and of course getting on the end of ubers, set on fire then ‘last weapon’ swap to shotty or axe (more fun) for a quicker finish. On granary he can get to the middle point just behind the scouts (long before the sollys) and fry up the scout rush.

    I’ve become a ‘jack of all trades’ love being the heavy but I’m sticking with Medic at the moment just for the new stuff while fully expecting Valve to nerf all my current stats when the medic acheivements and upgrades go in*. :/

    *haven’t played for a couple of days so don’t know if thats happened yet.


    Well ok in the clear light of day I’ll concede they’re not completely useless, but it has a niche which I still think is too small. I know you can use pyro’s quite effectively on the likes of granary vs a mass scout rush (I still find those to be rare), but does it still work against good scouts? I mean most of the time when this happens, in my experience, the team of scouts are not all very good at playing the scout class. Putting a pyro up against a good scout is a different matter as the scout (being much quicker) will know how to stay out of flamethrower range. The scout rush also relies a lot on the element of surprise, and you could argue an appropriately placed sentry gun along with some heavier classes would be more efficient than a team of pyro’s. Basically I can think of few situations when I’d prefer a pyro over an alternative. In TF2 the three main areas classes have advantages in are speed, range, and health, of which the pyro has an abundance of none. Pretty much anything he can do can be bettered by another class.

    Heavily fortified positions like the one in the picture I would consider using an ubered pyro, as it’s probably more efficent than a demoman (who’d find it tricky enough getting in there anyway).

    Of course you would also need a pyro to help defend the same sort of position from spies, although I think even spies would have a hard time getting into that particular room, but that’s an extreme example. In a team communicating well and playing together there really shouldn’t be any need to waste a player on spy defence though. Most spies are easily detected, and taken out without the need for flames. In the mass confusion of some servers we play on obviously some of us find pyro a fun class and it might just scratch some pyromaniac itches, which is fair enough and quite funny at times.

    have to admit I was getting a bit stresssed with your stressings last night Matt 😛

    heh sorry if I was a bit tetchy didn’t mean to be, that last minute own goal on Tuesday had the effect of bringing out my competitive side and deep down I was wanting us to kick some serious ass 😳 If not obvious from my rantings above ;), I basically see them as a fun class with little use, and I was really wanting to win that night!

    Anyway now that I’ve said all this I’ve properly set myself up for quite a literal flaming, and fully expect this thread to be taken up by lots of screenies showing my flaming corpse. Must remember to hit print screen when that mass XDC pyro charge comes flying at me 😆


    have to admit that complete idiot that just ran around in circles with the intelligence should have been beaten to death with a rubber dildo. I actually saved his stupid arse so he could bring home the prize yet he kept running back to their base 👿


    looks like the Pyro maybe the next in line for the buff up. o/″ onclick=”;return false;


    heh some people have too much time on their hands 😆 Still it’s good to see them working on the weakest classes first 😉 … even if I am dying to see what they’ll buff the soldiers up with 🙂

    I am starting to think differently about pyro’s though, mainly because of the medics these days supporting them’s a lot more often. You just have to adjust your play a little to deal with it, but still they can be tricky in some positions. And maybe that’s it, I play solider almost exclusively and that’s a class you can use effectively in almost any position, but when pyro’s played right I guess position on the map becomes more important. Those tunnels in goldrush, for example, seem made for pyromaniac madness, especially with a medic ubering/critzing them 😆


    send in a uber’d medic/pyro to a locked choke point ignite everyone/everything to start a panic and let the sollys come in and mop up, works a treat. Especially now the Pyro flame does a little more damage than before.

    Love on the 3rd point of Goldrush where you can drop down the pit and run round the back of them as a Pyro, heaps of kill0rz….

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