Burn after reading

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  • #18423

    7/10 Brad Pitt is back in my list of favourite actors and John Malkovich gets to swear a lot. Not for everyone I suppose as it’s a bit of an odd film (an odd Cohem Brothers film??? surely not), but some priceless moments in it.

    XDC Dutchman

    2 or 3 really funny moments, but apart from that I thought it was pretty dull and boring.
    5/10 and that’s being generous !


    Looks shit


    I was disappointed, some good names star and it’s a coen brother movie but as usual it doesn’t live up to it’s hype. It’s completely pointless with an utter wank ending.



    I do think some people here slightly missed the point of the ending (I thought the film was very good and it was the best way to end it, the CIA chief was the best character in the film). The admission that they did not know what they had learnt was alluding to the fact trhat the story had no real point, and that was refreshing for me. I do feel slightly queasy of films that have a decent idea and then force it into a situation that is inappropriate.

    8/10 (a bloody funny film)


    I agree with Wolf – was vg

    XDC Dutchman

    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    I do think some people here slightly missed the point of the ending (I thought the film was very good and it was the best way to end it, the CIA chief was the best character in the film). The admission that they did not know what they had learnt was alluding to the fact trhat the story had no real point, and that was refreshing for me. I do feel slightly queasy of films that have a decent idea and then force it into a situation that is inappropriate.

    8/10 (a bloody funny film)

    Haha, your reason for thinking it’s good and funny is my reason for thinking it’s dull and boring, it’s like taking a joke which can be told in 20 seconds and making it a 20 minute snorefest before delivering the punchline.
    Yes, we get it, Americans(and most people) don’t know what they are doing ( Coen brothers in point ! ), but why oh why take close to 100mins to painfully thread us along to tell us that.

    Now I know someone will say: But that’s the point, that a lot of stuff we do is pointless.
    If I wanted pointless I would’ve stayed at work the extra 100mins rather than waste it on this.


    Haha, your reason for thinking it’s good and funny is my reason for thinking it’s dull and boring

    soh fail

    xdc magicker

    fuck me

    I cant believe I just wasted an afternoon watching this fucking pile of shit. the only good this about it was:
    [spoiler:1005gvlf]watching that fuckwhit Pitt get shot in the head.. if only Cloony could have been shot too it would have raised this to a 1/10[/spoiler:1005gvlf]

    as previously mentioned there is one joke at the end of the film which was delivered well. if you dont mind watching a couple of hours of complete wank to get there then it might be a good way to spend your day.

    a spunk stain / 10

    if you think pointlessness for pointlessness’s is a suitable artistic venture then this is the film to toss yourself off to.


    Not for you then no?

    xdc magicker


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