A hello and an invitation.

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  • #66874

    Just posted on your forums. Tried some of the maps. Nice 😀 Look forward to some games with you all.


    @=XDC=ViperGra wrote:

    Just posted on your forums. Tried some of the maps. Nice 😀 Look forward to some games with you all.

    Yeh, just seen it 😀

    Gonna finish that website off this weekend, been a bit sidetracked by the server just recently 8)

    Should be able to have a few games tonight though all being well 😉


    yo, my xfire is bleedingwolf, just sent you a friend request. Be my friend! please! No one loves me here!


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    yo, my xfire is bleedingwolf, just sent you a friend request. Be my friend! please! No one loves me here!

    Hi Wolf, the friend request didn’t come through so I sent one to you. 😉


    You’ll be sorry 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    You’ll be sorry 🙂

    Hehe, had some good games last night. I think at one point we had about 6 XDC players on.

    As regards maps, I thought they all played well but having had a chance to play Backlot 2 properly for the first time I think it lacks the wow factor of some of the other maps so i’ve taken it out of the rotation.

    I have found a few other maps that look cool so will be adding them to the server over the weekend.

    I’ll give you more info when it’s done.

    Anyway, thanks to all those that joined us last night and please do feel free to call again. 😉



    sry it was a reasonable short session….some of our other guys have no patience for the dl,s and were playing elsewhere (mostly the gayer members of xdc it has to be said) so we went and played with them….

    feel free to jump on our ts/game servers any time, although most are either drunk, on ritalin, ganja or some other form of medication…..no honestly


    @nOm wrote:

    sry it was a reasonable short session….some of our other guys have no patience for the dl,s and were playing elsewhere (mostly the gayer members of xdc it has to be said) so we went and played with them….

    feel free to jump on our ts/game servers any time, although most are either drunk, on ritalin, ganja or some other form of medication…..no honestly

    No it was fine, really. I was glad that you guys made the effort in the first place. It can be a pain having to download the maps especially if you have a slow connection.

    I am in the process of creating a server section on our forums. So if any of you want to decide whether the maps are worth the hassle of downloading you can check out screenies for all the maps there. 😉


    Just as an informational I have as discussed earlier created a Server area over on our forums.


    In there you will find our TS details etc and screenies from the maps running on the server at the moment.

    I have removed Backlot 2 and Matroska as they are a little boring and dont really have the Wow factor of the other maps in rotation.

    I’ll be updating the 1st-TAG download area later for those of you who want to make use of it 😀

    All the best guys.



    great fun on ur server m8….some of the maps are fecking good…although the anti camping thingy is gay

    *Disclaimer nOm is not a camper, but a defender of all that is good



    @nOm wrote:

    great fun on ur server m8….some of the maps are fecking good…although the anti camping thingy is gay

    *Disclaimer nOm is not a camper, but a defender of all that is good


    Yeh, I’m inclined to agree. The awe4 developers need to modify it so it works with DM TDM then de-activates with HQ etc

    Untill that happens it has been switched off.

    I thought I’d switched it off early yesterday evening, I’ll have to check that out 😉


    I’m happy that n0m can’t camp for long 8)


    me also 😛 😛 :mrgreen:


    fecking u lot tempting me to play all bloody nite…been knackered at work today…..great fun though 😉


    Hi guys, I’ve just added two more new maps to our server 😀

    One of them mp_scrap has had rave reviews and I personnally like the look of.
    The other is called mp_pass. Now this map is a beta release so may have a few glitches. That said, I love the look of it so I’m going to give it a go 😀

    The Awe4 mod will be running all weekend for those that want to check them out 😉


    Pics enclosed below but in my opinion mp_pass looks better when you’re there rather than in the pics.



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