I learnt from last time I beta tested for EA.. Taking my life away with there damn early hours of morning on a school night shenanigans and no one testing just fooking around… made me giggle when Steve got pissed off and went on his usual kill all spree
Sold it to me Ma as I dont play on it and she wanted speed. 🙂
Always had consoles mate, I’m waiting on my morgage money to come through then gonna have OP’s off him so I can play games without shitty slow GFX 🙂
I have sent you all PM’s with all the necessary info. Enjoy the Beta!!! 😀
Can I just reiterate, that due to the NDA’s you will have to agree to, please do not post any information anywhere other than on the official forums. Thanks
Bought my new Cosair PSU now so hopefully PC should be up and running again! Look forward to seeing some of you guys on the beta. I see Magica and WET on there.