Front Page Tips

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  • #41081

    The problem is – they are putting the work in, its just shit! If they were fucking about then it wouldnt be an issue… but since they are not – I just look I an arrogant cock.

    Which I dont think I am… I just want a good mark 🙁

    PS… since my router has died, and I have alot of work on atm, I dont think I will be playing very much… lots of sitting in the late night computer labs… whoop whoop!


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    The problem is – they are putting the work in, its just shit!

    You arrogant cock!!!!


    You arrogant cock!!!!

    Did you mean “You Ave-a-big cock?!”

    Ended up ok… Turks chilled out a bit, and realised he “had a big cock”… or was being the other option… what can i say, Im a perfectionist!

    Anyhoo, we came up with a problem right at the end…

    The site that we use to upload our websites too only allows you to add lots of files within one folder. Our files are all in one folder, except the template (which I downloaded from a free site), which is in a sub folder. So the problem is – I can uplaod all the words/pictures/etc, but the template is missing. Is there anyway I can transfer the template in to the the folder where all the other shit is, without having to relink every single page (as that would take fucking hours!)

    An alternate option would be to upload what we have to some free webspace, but i dont know how to do that – anyone know how this can be done? (I know I have some free with our blueyonder account, but dont have the details for it… so would need another idea.



    Recalculate Hyperlinks:

    Have you done this before? You should do this before, EVERY publish, this is because your Search and TOC (Table of Contents) will not reflect your recent changes and will still point to old deleted files. Recalculating also updates other data in FrontPage, such as deleting unused themes and it updates the hyperlink display (as the name suggests), which is essential when working in a multi-author environment.

    To help you remember to recalculate hyperlinks you can configure FrontPage to remind you. Go to Tools | Options | General and tick ‘Warn when included components are out of date’ and ‘Warn when text index is out of date’ press ok.

    When you next open your web if you have made changes to hyperlinks or added files FrontPage should warn you

    FrontPage automatically tracks and repairs any internal hyperlinks in your web whenever you move, rename, or delete a file, but what about external links?

    NOTE: Before verifying hyperlinks, you should save all open pages

    A broken hyperlink is one that has an invalid destination URL and will return an error if the site visitor clicks the hyperlink.

    A hyperlink might have an invalid URL for various reasons; you might have mistyped it, or, if the destination page is on another World Wide Web site, the page might have been changed or removed. Sometimes FrontPage thinks the URL is invalid when it is not, this might be because the URL is part of a JavaScript or has a redirect on it, or is part of a store link which contains characters such as ? within the url.


    In Reports View click Broken Hyperlinks then Verify Hyperlinks on the Reporting toolbar. Before you do this it is best to click the ‘In Page’ column to group the broken links into their specific pages this way you can work on the same page till your finished.

    Double-click a hyperlink with broken status. To display the page to edit it, click Edit Page. If you know the correct URL of the destination, edit it in the Replace hyperlink with box. Or, click Browse to browse to the page or file in a web, file system, or World Wide Web. To repair other occurrences of this hyperlink in all pages in the current web, click ‘Change in all pages’. To repair other occurrences of this hyperlink in selected pages, click ‘Change in selected pages’, and then select the pages. Click Replace. If the destination is valid, the hyperlink is no longer displayed in the Broken Hyperlinks report.


    Cheers daddio 🙂

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