Jobs for the boys

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    Packaging is horrible. Dont go there….


    Packaging sucks but in my head, a shoe-in to London made it seem worth it. 🙂


    I want Vic to get a job, so if you hear of anything in Northern Ireland let him know 😀


    WTF is packaging?


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    WTF is packaging?

    Jebus Insane you call yourself an IT bod? Application Packaging and Delivery usual done using SMS or another such distribution tools


    I’m proper IT.. I dont do shit like that! 😀


    SMS – isnt that text messaging?

    I could send texts for a living… when do I start?


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    SMS – isnt that text messaging?

    I could send texts for a living… when do I start?

    Yes that’s what it is. Don’t listen to any fool who tries to tell you its Microsoft Systems Management Server. 🙂


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    In fact, Wolf was a shoe in for a job last year that Max gave to a complete muppet. But we did not think of it at the time.

    If you still need somebody to give Wolf a good shoe’ing, then I know a couple of former bouncers who’d do it for a few quid.

    Bizarrely, I’ve actually done most of those roles during my IT lifespan (which is now a decade 😥 ), except maybe the packaging stuff. I’ll drop you a CV Sean, but I’d be looking for full-time stuff really. At least you’ll have it on record.

    Old Chap, I wish we has the info you sent me last year, you would have been ideal. I can see possibilities, although initially permie roles are scarce. However, there could be stuff happening later in the year.
    8) 😉


    I need a decent server/desktop allrounder, preferably with XP experience, but not vital. Someone who can do server & desktop builds, images and help with the XP migration.

    Ther will be some more intersting work at a later stage, but for the first 2 months it will largelybe grunt work.

    I am looking fo a 5 month contract, starting sooner rather than later. This job MAY, lead to a permanent role, depending on 3 things

    1.) Whether we outsource support or not (not that likely at this stage)

    2.) How you perform and gel within the company (up to you)

    3.) If we grow the current support team (likely)

    I will pay a decent rate. Your will report to me but have a dotted line to Max

    XDC MadHippy

    Need any server guys? MCSE x 2, HP MASE, ASE, APS blah de blah??


    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    Need any server guys? MCSE x 2, HP MASE, ASE, APS blah de blah??

    TBH mate the roles we are looking at are combined server / desktop roles. Typical company wants everything for nothing. The role we have would be the opportunity for someone to improve allround performance, it is not really a server guru one

    XDC Erratic-Space

    I’m not much good at nuthing really. I’m a quick learning though!

    I studied English and Philosophy for my degree then did an Art Foundation course…now I work 1st Line Analyst. You can see the connections a mile off err righhhhht. I would dearly love a new job anywhere other than here. Can’t offer much in the way of tea making but I’m always keen to go down the boozer.

    I’m tired of my company whoring my ass and I still don’t break £20k.


    Well, it is unlikely that we would offer any desktop contractor less than £200 a day, soooo

    If any of you are thinking about potential City work, get yourselves sorted out as far as Umbrella Company or Limited Company goes.

    Wipers & Neon. It would be nice to get you chaps on board, but I want to be very sure of things first, not going to fuck anyone over (sure of things in terms of what the company is doing)

    xdc magicker

    here you go

    it is public at the moment ? is that what you had in mind or xdc only?

    let me know

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