Lego Universe Beta

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  • #77030

    I take all in jest fella so no worries there 🙂

    Nowt like a good debate from time to time I say and one that doesnt invole ghey politics

    I have a high end PC also, but still have to fiddle with the gfx to get a game to look sexy, I used to use it for games alot, but as a techie I use it for other wonderful things also so theres no loss with it, mainly streaming .mkv/x264 movies to my PS3 downstairs 🙂 Super

    p.s you Have to pay to play any kind of game on PS3, on 360 you get trials and thank fuck you do as alot I wouldnt pay for.. annd PS3 are strarting to charge to play online now also, I believe it will hit the PC in the future also, IW are rumoured to be charging a subscription for its future games like COD etc.. wont be long before others try the same shit

    So back on topic again – Lego Universe.. ghey!

    *where do i get a beta for it?*


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    I take all in jest fella so no worries there 🙂

    Nowt like a good debate from time to time I say and one that doesnt invole ghey politics

    I have a high end PC also, but still have to fiddle with the gfx to get a game to look sexy, I used to use it for games alot, but as a techie I use it for other wonderful things also so theres no loss with it, mainly streaming .mkv/x264 movies to my PS3 downstairs 🙂 Super

    p.s you Have to pay to play any kind of game on PS3, on 360 you get trials and thank fuck you do as alot I wouldnt pay for.. annd PS3 are strarting to charge to play online now also, I believe it will hit the PC in the future also, IW are rumoured to be charging a subscription for its future games like COD etc.. wont be long before others try the same shit

    So back on topic again – Lego Universe.. ghey!

    *where do i get a beta for it?*

    Lol, we’ll leave it there, Lego looks pretty good, you watched any vids of it? It’s only open over the weekend so I’ll let you guys know what it’s like


    Nah but will do to see what its all about, admittedly I’ve played a few lego games on DS to pass time on plane to holiday destinations.. they are good fun, didnt like the demo of Harry potter though, too much going on for my liking 🙂


    I just wanna relive my youth, call it a mini pre-life crisis but i wanna play with legos and not look like a peedo by going to argos to buy it for myself lol…


    The game doesn’t seem anything like the lego/indiana jones/batman/harry potter games. It’s an MMO where pick a class, such as dps, tank etc and form groups to kill bosses. You pick up blocks along the way that you can use to built contraptions to assist you. You can build a car for example and take part in races each week for prizes. You can build a castle for your guild if you all club together. The game genuinely looks like good fun.

    I’ll play it a fair bit over the weekend but there are a number of vids on youtube that explain it pretty well, I’m really looking forward to giving it a bash.


    I’ll be able to give a better review tomoz, but so far after watching vids on youtube it does look genuinly good fun…

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