NTL (virgin upgrades) aka wooot 20mb braodband!

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    Re-read this thread! Go on! Come back when you have finished…

    I said civil … not silly… 🙂


    The price rise on the upgraded BB speeds apply if you take the broadband ONLY. Customers who take other packages ,i.e phone/TV, it will stay the same price.

    I get my full downlad speed 24/7, and am not too fussed about the threatened throttling plan, in fact, i kinda agree with them, why should VERY heavy downloaders be able to take advantage of a finite network, and cripple the interweb for the majority of law abiding customers, just because it say’s “unlimited” on the tin.

    Fair do’s, cable is a relativly expensive ISP, but where else can you get 10Mb/20Mb “unlimited” downloads (bar the theorhetical 1% of ADSL subscribers less that 10 metres from an exchange).

    I’ve been a telewest cable customer since i moved into this house 7 years ago, i think i had 2 months after a speed upgrade where i had a lot of packet loss, until they upgraded my UBR and it’s been rock solid ever since.


    I changed my ISP (Pipex) not because of the service which is fine but because they couldn’t offer me any more that 4mb for £25 which by cable standards is crap. Whilst the 10mb soon to be 20mb will be a huge bandwidth increase my main driver was to reduced my outgoings for BB/Phone and TV. I am personally saving almost £40 a month which quite frankly is better in my pocket than someone elses.

    So for me it’s an all round better deal especially that even appoaching my current providers to try and negotiate and better rate with each of them respectively they weren’t interested. So fuck em I’ll take my business elsewhere thanks very much and opted for the Virgin VIP Pack.


    Not only did Virgin Media offer a better, cheaper all round package with the advertised price, that actually reduced the price to £74 for 12 months

    Whilst there may be some issues around packet shaping and throttling compared to what i currently have it’s light years better.



    “Sticky: [merged]10mb Causing Problems? [thread 4 Of 6] Prt 2 123» 11”
    “Slow Speeds 3rd Night In A Row 123» 9 “
    “Constant Disconnects”
    “Traffic Shaping In Leeds Ls15 “
    “Slow Speed On 2mb Service “

    This thread being more important… http://cablehell.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=100724 🙁


    so whats going on in here?


    It’s ok munks, just legit doing his usual.

    Just make a cuppa tea, put your feet up and read the pending 10page thread when legit starts making a muppet out of himself again. 🙂


    Bear in mind branson doesn’t have shit to do with ntl: apart from selling them Virgin Mobile, you shouldn’t be downloading movies you don’t legally own in one format or another and that they have introduced traffic shaping -_- If you hammer you connection @ max speed for 20mins you get capped to half speed for the rest of the day… not to mention the probl;ems thousands ofpeople have been having with their connections (myself included) since the rebranding =/

    Where have you got this figure from? From what I have read, it is being trialled in Swansea and has had a trial in the past around Preston, and that it will only affect 5% of users


    Ntl:telewest believe this policy is justified and permitted according to clause 4.3 of their Terms & Conditions:

    We reserve the right to monitor and control data volume and/or types of traffic transmitted via the Interactive Services and/or Internet Services. In the event that you exceed the usage allowances applicable to your Internet Services as detailed in the User Policy, we reserve the right (at our sole discretion) to reduce, suspend or terminate your Internet Services. During any time of reduction or suspension, you will remain liable for the payment of your original level of Internet Services charge. We also reserve the right (at our sole discretion) to re-grade your Internet Services to a different speed and/or usage allowance at the appropriate charge.

    Read the small print in the contract you signed. Personally I see no problem with it as NTL estimated 10% of users using 70% of capacity, it would seem a little unfair for those who get shit service for the dsame price because some twat likes downloading loads of stuff.


    a) 1mb never had any monthly allowance limit because it’s too slow to thoroughly rape the ‘net compared to 10mb.

    b) I never really hammer the connection anyway because I’m not a warez whore… though after formatting I did have a crapload of winupdates and patches for WoW to dl and install… but that’s all I really dl… conneciton is used primarily for gaming/browsing -_-

    c) If you checked cablehell you would see many low-use/legitimate users being affected acorss a variety of conenciton speeds and agreements as well as being traffic shaped outside of the acknowledged regions… bear in mind they were even reluctant to admit traffic shaping in the first place and when they did they didn’t admit it for all areas – it’s been reported unoficially in other areas too 🙄

    XDC MadHippy

    Thinking of going for this as I can only get 1 mg BB – what’s their acceptable use policy like?


    W00t Get in 10MB connected today

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