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    As far as I can tell its basically what BF players were expecting BF3 to be. Hopefully they patch it and allow use of the commander function so we can see if they have implemented it well.

    The Beta is obviously an old build so cross your fingers that EA/dice don’t/haven’t changed too many things before the final release. Going off the beta i’ve not bought it yet as it doesn’t run near well enough, and no chance of an upgrade.

    Will take a huge amount of improvement in fps/stuttering to make it worth purchasing. I even jumped into bf3 to double check my computer was ok. Bullets start working again and no stutter so computer is fine. Think my hardware might have met its match 🙁 Roll on patch/final release.

    crazy hippo

    @=XDC=FluffyBunny wrote:

    The Beta is obviously an old build so cross your fingers that EA/dice don’t/haven’t changed too many things before the final release. Going off the beta i’ve not bought it yet as it doesn’t run near well enough, and no chance of an upgrade.

    Will take a huge amount of improvement in fps/stuttering to make it worth purchasing. I even jumped into bf3 to double check my computer was ok. Bullets start working again and no stutter so computer is fine. Think my hardware might have met its match 🙁 Roll on patch/final release.

    i read a post on reddit last week that the PC beta build was quite recent, the last fortnight or so. the fact that the beta is 64 bit OS only indicates to me that there is an issue they are trying to resolve to get it to work on 32 bit OS’s. once they sort that the performance should be better for all

    Gary Goat

    Even people with beastly computers are having FPS problems so i’d say that is something they are going to be improving before release. What we’re playing definitely seems like an older build to what has been shown on youtube.

    There are some small changes that are pretty easy to miss at first. Off the top of my head:

      Small medi packs and ammo packs get thrown at the person you’re aiming at so the further away they are, the further you throw it. You can chuck them things pretty far!

      All sniper rifles can be zeroed with the Z key. The laser designator also has a range finder so you can use that and then set the correct range. The laser designator is also infra red so you can use it to quickly scan an area to spot any enemies. See’s through all the smoke after the building collapses as well and can be zoomed in with the T key.

      If you go up to a corner, your gun will tilt slightly, when this happens you can peak around the corner by aiming down sight. When you stop aiming down sight you lean back into cover

      RPGs lock on to laser designated targets (I don’t think this is going to be in release though)

      Small ammo packs don’t refill C4 or grenades. I’ve never seen anybody use the big ammo boxes so don’t know about them

    Its pretty good over all. The lifts are cool but they are so obviously just teleporters which is kind of annoying, I hope they fix that. The map itself is ok but seems like a major clusterfuck most of the time with no real rhythm to it.

    crazy hippo

    the big ammo boxes rearm all ammo types, which makes me running around with the airburst all the more fun as i can refill the ammo myself 🙂

    the problem with the map is the horseshoe shape to it. the distance between A and E is not far enough to make a deterent to most people, as a result the fighting becomes very random, although it does improve somewhat once the building is detroyed as the shape of the map changes to be more like a X shape.

    i didnt know about the recon stuff as i have barely played that class but very useful, almost too useful if im honest


    @Gary Goat wrote:

    Even people with beastly computers are having FPS problems so i’d say that is something they are going to be improving before release. What we’re playing definitely seems like an older build to what has been shown on youtube.

    There are some small changes that are pretty easy to miss at first. Off the top of my head:

      Small medi packs and ammo packs get thrown at the person you’re aiming at so the further away they are, the further you throw it. You can chuck them things pretty far!

      All sniper rifles can be zeroed with the Z key. The laser designator also has a range finder so you can use that and then set the correct range. The laser designator is also infra red so you can use it to quickly scan an area to spot any enemies. See’s through all the smoke after the building collapses as well and can be zoomed in with the T key.

      If you go up to a corner, your gun will tilt slightly, when this happens you can peak around the corner by aiming down sight. When you stop aiming down sight you lean back into cover

      RPGs lock on to laser designated targets (I don’t think this is going to be in release though)

      Small ammo packs don’t refill C4 or grenades. I’ve never seen anybody use the big ammo boxes so don’t know about them

    Its pretty good over all. The lifts are cool but they are so obviously just teleporters which is kind of annoying, I hope they fix that. The map itself is ok but seems like a major clusterfuck most of the time with no real rhythm to it.

    I have read that the beta is over a month old comared to what they showed at E3.

    I havent really found the map to be a cluster fuck, in fact I much prefer the way it plays – you have small pockets of battles all over the map which is pretty cool compared to flag hopping in BF3


    +/- bf widows 8)


    Ohhh its on Xbox live! Downloading now!

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