Sup? Im Hampster

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  • #45259

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    I love it how those Red Orchestra chaps go on about how real the game is over BF2142 (which, since I have a time machine – I can tell you, is as realistic as it gets!)… and then get in their tanks and teleport from postition to position!… and respawn… and… and… yeh!!


    if you frequented our server you’ll know its primarily infantry maps 🙄

    if you stick TT (team tanker) after your name you’ll get ppl who like to use tanks as team gunner,driver,commander

    RO’s maps are too large for s & d type maps, repawning acts as reinforcements


    Only messing with you n0mski… RO is warming on me… I especially like being a sneaky bastard and outflanking the enemy… something you cant really do in BF without being scanned…


    Only people who cant play it, Slag it 😀


    Bit late I know……

    HI MATE!!!!

    Havnt been playing RO for a while now, too much DIY stuff going on and in all honesty Im always bloody knackerd!!

    Will be back on again soon thou……………….. BYE!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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