the chap named ajnabi121

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    @Wipers wrote:

    No, he’s an ogamer. Joined in May. Posts like a 5 year old who has od’d on Sunny D. Please – never ever let this guy into XDC. Promise me?


    To make this tread more interesting, I have moved it to the public domain!



    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    lol Neon
    although Add me to you list of non gay actors you wanker 😉
    The only human sausage I ever get close to is my own thank you very much 🙄

    I’m sorry Mr Spunker, but the fact that you even admit getting near your own sausage makes you gay by association. No self respecting straight guy would ever dream of doing such a thing. Here’s some more actors I’ve decided are gay:

    Johnny Lee Miller
    Jude Law
    Harry Connick Junior
    Harry Connick Senior
    Harry Connick Senior’s Dad
    Harry Connick Senior’s Dad’s Dad
    Keanu Reeves
    Brian Denehy


    Speaking of gays.. Think Mr Madmax owes me an apology…

    Fess up gheylord to my girl woo’ing skillz and tell these just how ghey I am lol 😉


    I can honestly say Insane is not ghey, his bird is well fit.


    yeah she’s probably with him as it makes her feel safe, you know, due him being gay and all 😀

    XDC MadHippy

    @=XDC=FluffyBunny wrote:

    yeah she’s probably with him as it makes her feel safe, you know, due him being gay and all 😀

    Yep, Tis funny that most fit birds go out with poofters! Maybe Ingaysane is showing his more ‘gentle’ side 😯 😯


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    I can honestly say Insane is not ghey, his bird is well fit.

    Sounds like a cover up to me! Nice you giving him your full support, good job I’m not the suspicious type because I might be wondering WHY and is
    that all your giving him 😉

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