New Keyboard

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  • #43912


    Froogle is so much better than that Kelkoo bollocks


    My keyboard that I’ve got at home is white, it’s got all the letters of the alphabet on it and all the numbers from 0-9 on it too. It’s also got loads of F keys and some computer jargon bollock keys on it like “insert” and Pause break” that I’ve never used. What’s more, it’s even got 2 little plastic hinges on the bottom so you can have it at 2 heights.

    Now all these keyboards here with their daft names and flashing lights are all very well but last time I checked I don’t think you could actually write any words with them that you couldn’t on my keyboard.

    So my advice would be just to get any – no matter how much money you spend on this lump of plastic it’s not gonna do your washing up or give you a bj, it’s just an effing keyboard for gods sake.


    true – but my desk isnt big enough, so I want one that I can move out of the way when im not using it… which I cant atm.

    So there – nerrr!

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