Home Forums XDC Gaming Gaming – general Razer BARRACUDA HP-1 HEADSET

  • This topic has 40 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Ryzo.
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    Will do 🙂 they seem to get alot of static, any ideas why? Even when there just the headset is plugged into the box (none of the cables into my audigy 2 sound card) i still get a static like feedback, thought it could be the boost on my mic at first, but took that out completely, hmph 🙁 Maybe just Ghey Vista?

    xdc the doc

    ill buy the medusas for a tenner. I just need the phones – not the box or cables.


    Oi Steve.. wheres your review nobber??


    Il do the review for him: He thought the headset and mouse was shit and Sold them both, now hes back to the medusa, which iv given back, to be honest, even i thought they where more flimsy then the medusa’s (i think he didnt like the mic either)


    really didnt like them mike, the mic makes me sound gheyer then before, it picks up everything, the headset doesnt fit prop. on the head, as the band has become loose and the build is very flimsy, not impressed.

    The mouse is nice but its a little to big, effects my gaming.


    lol why bother!

    I have no probs at all with them.. build quality is brill.. fit like a glove.. you must have an extremly odd shaped head and small child like hands 🙂

    have to say ingame chat in RO is a lil quiet but I’m just about to up the miv volume so should sort

    No idea how you both came to the conclusion they are flimsy.. there rock solid!

    ah well

    I’ll wait till someone who knows what there talking about gets em lol


    i got em, and as headphones go,they do rock. I can concur max doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about (we all knew that anyways after his unwaivering support for EA :P).

    The sound quaility from them and my Xfi is outstanding. I think they could do with a bit more bass, but i haven’t fucked around with my settings yet. As for the build quaility, i’ve never had a better fitting, as comfortable headset. I’ve always been a big fan of the plantronics DSP-500’s, but these do blow them outta the water on all counts.

    I’ll agree with max on the mic though, it does look a bit silly and could do with being 2 inches longer (fnarr), but it does seem to do the job, haven’t had any complaints yet.

    I wish i’d have known you were gonna sell em, i would have snatched ya hand off to get them at a knocked down price 😛


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    lol why bother!

    I have no probs at all with them.. build quality is brill.. fit like a glove.. you must have an extremly odd shaped head and small child like hands 🙂

    have to say ingame chat in RO is a lil quiet but I’m just about to up the miv volume so should sort

    No idea how you both came to the conclusion they are flimsy.. there rock solid!

    ah well

    I’ll wait till someone who knows what there talking about gets em lol

    did you ever use a pair of medusas? compared to those – there flimsy mate. not disputing the quality of the sound etc though, sure its pretty spot on. each to there own, each to there own.


    I’ve had three pairs of Medusa’s and these are much more sturdy and as comfortable if not better.. and less ghey wires!

    Sound quality is much better

    I’m sure Steve ordered some scandanavian earmuffs from ebay by mistake! 😀

    Each to there own i guess.. but as I’m more superior in this kinda thing.. each to my own 🙂


    I agree with the less wires, the Medusas can be a royal pain in the ass with that sodding box + wire combination, i think seeing as i didnt have much luck with the medusas, il stick to my cheapy shitty ones – they do me just fine 😛

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