Welcome =XDC=Stellas

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  • #46834

    @stellas wrote:

    Sorry for late reply… i should say it was coz ive been too pissed or something hard like that but i had a tooth pulled last week n they made a right hatchet job of lt, it feckin’ kills!! aint been able to do anything all day.

    Anyway cheers for all the welcomes, wasnt really expectin to be asked to join as i A: am not very good B: have never been on TS C: dont post too often D: dont play til late so never really see too may XDCers on the server.
    I must have been asked due to ‘time served’!

    Thanx again to everyone, look forward to playin on the server again soon! 😀 😀

    / smiles through the pain and knows how Dustin Hoffman felt in Marathon man/

    P.S. Does my av make me look a bit sinister?

    i had no idea you were so young m8! , but i would lose the dodgy bloke behind you 😉

    xdc magicker

    lo m8

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