Ban Legit or Not

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    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    If we ban him he’ll be back, and the power of his spazziness will have been increased. He’s done some stupid things in the past, as well as some completely fucking moronic stuff too, I’m all for ignoring him or treating him in the same way you do with a toddler; make occassionally interested sounds at whatever extremely dull thing that they’ve just done that they think is amazing.

    nah won’t work, you guys have done this to me for years and I still come back.

    Also, for clarification, isn’t ‘stupid’ covered by ‘fucking moronic’, maybe you could have used an umbrella phrase like “He’s a cunt”?

    ..just a thought.


    @=XDC=JuDgE-MenTaL wrote:

    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    If we ban him he’ll be back, and the power of his spazziness will have been increased. He’s done some stupid things in the past, as well as some completely fucking moronic stuff too, I’m all for ignoring him or treating him in the same way you do with a toddler; make occassionally interested sounds at whatever extremely dull thing that they’ve just done that they think is amazing.

    nah won’t work, you guys have done this to me for years and I still come back.

    Also, for clarification, isn’t ‘stupid’ covered by ‘fucking moronic’, maybe you could have used an umbrella phrase like “He’s a cunt”?

    ..just a thought.

    Well, I was trying to show the full spectrum of his idiocy, from relatively minor stupidity, up to full blown, complete and utter fucking moronicness.

    @Lensman wrote:

    Going for Father-of-the-Year award there, Neon? Razz

    That’s just the way it is Lensman. I’m not overley impressed by toddlers and their attention seeking antics. “Yes, it’s a Lego brick. Yes, I’ve seen one before. No it’s not very interesting. Please go away.”

    Of course if it was my kid it’d be: “A Lego brick? Wow! Look! Look at my son! He’s given me a Lego brick! Isn’t that brilliant! My god that’s fantastic! Oh Christ! He’s done it again! Another Lego brick!”


    Nah…..I find myself doing the “pretend-to-be-enthusiastic” act too with my son…

    Unless, of course, he lets loose a ripper of a fart or a belch. That’s simply great…..or maybe it’s more the horrified look of embarassment on the face of the missus 🙂


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    Well, I was trying to show the full spectrum of his idiocy, from relatively minor stupidity, up to full blown, complete and utter fucking moronicness.

    ahh in that case fairy nuff

    he’s gotta go, he’s a cunt <----im lazy


    Hmmm slagging us off to Stan on our own forums 🙄




    I thought we’d now established it was LeCUNT?
    I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt some months ago, after all, we all make cocks of ourselves at some time or another, but it’s beyond a joke. He’s a fucking cock of the highest order.


    Hmmm slagging us off to Stan on our own forums

    yep bang out of order!


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Hmmm slagging us off to Stan on our own forums

    yep bang out of order!

    Agreed. There’s some things that are out of line and he may argue with us, but using our own forums to slag of the whole of XDC. He can fuck off.


    erm so what happened to ignoring him…..OMG don’t let him be right about the hipocrisy O_o


    next time he posts just answer him with one of these random useless villains after revenge for being so incompetently wrong:

    feel free to add more


    lol @ Snidley Whiplash

    Better yet.. just ignore his posts.. he posted a thread recently and was replied too.. shocking! 😀

    *edit* sorry didnt see JM’s post prior my reply!

    I think these pictures would be a more appropriate reply..



    I love that phrase


    The Riddler freaks me out. I’ve seen the same expression on customs officers at Heathrow, particularly if they suspect you of being a ‘drugs mule’.


    Loved your picture there Wolf! (in the monitor thread!)

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