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    arse.. i’m on the 6th floor.. check addressbook! lol

    XDC wild egg tamer

    hehe, got a few stories from the cab trade but don’t have time to post………….maybe tonight when i get back from the cafe (folks gone away) 😉


    Oooh I have a fantasy about shagging in the back of a black taxi while the driver just keeps on driving. But he’s not allowed to look!!! Well, he is, but discreetly 😀


    I once went out with a bird who had what you’d have to say was an obsession with “talking to the sergeant” anytime she got in a taxi (or any kind of public transport – buses/trains – you name it.) with me.

    Obviously, I was never too keen on having a night in with her. It was always –“I know, let’s go to somewhere very, very far away that takes a very long time to get to, tonight luv”.

    Eeh, she wasn’t bad looking either to be fair. But as is always the case my luck couldn’t hold out, bloody typical. See, problem was that she was a complete loon and a total neurotic. Now I’m sure she could have been brought to some semblance of normality by a kind, caring bloke who understood her insecurities – but fuck that for a game of soldiers! I couldn’t be arsed with it. Got shut I did. Sometime you’ve got to be cruel to be kind and all that, or maybe you’ve got to be cruel cos you’re a bit of a cunt – one or t’other anyway.


    Had a lass talking to the Sgt on the top deck of a bus in Manchester thinking that no-one would see. Unfortunately pulled up at some traffic lights next to a restaurant which had people eating on the second floor(very similar to what she was doing lol).

    She did not skip a beat just kept on going. Good Girl.


    err.. where abouts in Manchester.. I require the knowledge.. never seen owt like that here!


    This is embarassing, but anyway…..

    Once when Vic was driving us to London, we were in his shitty wee Fiesta, and I was errrr talking to the Sgt. A couple in a great big 4×4 pulled up beside us, and then drove along at the same speed so they could look in at us as they drove. What was even worse, Vic didn’t tell me straight away as he didn’t want me to stop!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    ever in London again and errr, you get the urge……feel free to call me, vic can drive the cab and you can fulfil one of your fantasies 😉

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