Alien Swarm

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    The nice people who made Left for Dead 2 have made a nice gauntlet style alien shooter.

    It’s completely free on Steam…



    Downloading it as we speak 🙂

    Judge actually beat you to it slightly, in a thread down a couple of forums:



    This was sooooo this morning…


    xdc the doc

    Epic wee game.

    Matt and I had a fantastic run through the whole campaign on Insane level last night – great fun.

    I guess it will get boring fast… but there is always the promise of new DLC around the corner.

    Only criticism is the ghostbuster effect. Basically we won the whole game by using 4 teslas the whole way…. no friendly fire… stuns the enemies and has loads of ammo. WTF? It makes all other weapons obsolete at a stroke. I reckon once we get enough people who can play it well we should try an insane campaign with a no tesla rule… will be intense! 😀


    That was intense last night even with Teslas, and it took a really good team to get all the way through. I imagine there will be an eventual nerf of the Tesla ammo clip though. I carried ammo through the entire campaign last night and it was only really needed during the early rounds while you and me were still leveling up. They might even go so far as to make it a class specific weapon because it’s incredibly powerful with 4 using it.

    Lets not take anything anyway from the teamwork throughout that campaign, which was incredible given it was just you and me on voice comms. It was very rare for the swarm to overrun us, because all the angles were being covered instinctively, and when you had to reload, someone was always quick to plug the gap in the defence for those few seconds. I think the only level we didn’t complete with a full team was the last one, and that was only because you’d got slightly separated by losing the route on the way back to the platform, and one of the other guys got flicked off the platform by one of those big shield bastards. That’s an incredible result when you think of some of those shit storms we had to come through 🙂


    re the Tesla gun, I thought it felt nerfed when playing with the rats today, and read the patch notes:

    Fixed ammo usage on the Tesla Cannon to properly decrease 4 times a second instead of 2 (doubled clip size to account for this).
    Rebalanced Tesla Cannon’s damage to encourage it to be used more as a support weapon.
    Tesla Cannon will now use ammo slowly even when it isn’t damaging something.

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