BF3 – sexy

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  • #79164

    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    the flashlights and lasers are the shittest addition to BF series ever, what’s the fucking point, they better be able to be taken off in the server settings. Worst idea ever.

    I’ve not been bothered that much by them. Probably been killed as many times because someone’s using the addon as I have killed someone because they’ve made themselves stand out with it.


    @Alzir wrote:

    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    the flashlights and lasers are the shittest addition to BF series ever, what’s the fucking point, they better be able to be taken off in the server settings. Worst idea ever.

    I’ve not been bothered that much by them. Probably been killed as many times because someone’s using the addon as I have killed someone because they’ve made themselves stand out with it.

    yeh the amount of n00bs ive shot hiding in the bushes with their flash lights on…


    Big give away


    Having said that, Jim raised a good point last night that I’ve reconsidered my position on and it’s the range on the lights that’s a bit of an issue. I had someone on the top of a cliff last night blinding me from a good 3 or 400 metres away, in daylight, so they could do with toning that down a bit for the full release….no issue if it’s in your face, but that far away during the day is silly.


    Good in the dark though 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Good in the dark though 🙂

    Night vision scope is alot better….. stealthy 🙂


    v good point, I detract my last post and replace with.. looks kool though 😛 But yes NV is better even though it would remind me of COD which is poo 🙂


    I did change my opinion slightly after playing Caspian and nailing a few flash light weilding snipers (?!) and I believe they are looking at it for release.

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