Bloody Aol and their Helpful Staff….Not

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    Thanks to the Muppets at Aol messing up my house move im without Broadband and stuck with Dial up. Was originally given the 15th of November but have now been told 28th. This is very complete arse. I havent spoken to you lot since the 6th and am getting withdrawl symptoms as i havent shot anyone in days.
    Has anyone else had dealings like this before as im at my wits end. 🙁

    XDC Dutchman

    Feel your pain mouse, I was without broadband for 3 weeks when I moved house, due to Freedom2surf being utterly useless in connecting me. They actually kept telling me I was connected and that there was a problem with my router. Countless of 45-60min calls later they tested the line and realised the exchange wasn’t done properly.
    Doubt that we’re the only ones, I reckon at least half the house moves with broadband go wrong somewhere


    Damn mouse.. no one uses AOL these days (or anydays as far as I know).. excpet you of course!
    fook em off.. pile of gheyness they are

    Oh and buy COD4.. and practise whilst you have time.. its the game of today.. full of awesomeness


    @=XDC=Mouse101uk wrote:

    Thanks to the Muppets at Aol messing up my house move im without Broadband and stuck with Dial up. Was originally given the 15th of November but have now been told 28th. This is very complete arse. I havent spoken to you lot since the 6th and am getting withdrawl symptoms as i havent shot anyone in days.
    Has anyone else had dealings like this before as im at my wits end. 🙁

    didnt even know they still exist, better look into a bit higher quality offer, based on Juniper routers of course 8)

    xdc the doc

    lol at you using AOL.

    I sympathise m8…. but at least there is someone in the world worse off than you…. ME!!!

    After many broken promises I have been informed that the broadband wireless network on this fucking island wont be up till Feb now. 8 months without broadband!

    Its a testament to how good the lifestyle is out here that I havent missed it as much as i thought I would… but I do miss my games of COH


    But the satanic rituals and sheep buggering, that must stop with the dark nights and the fact your going to end up the north Atlantic when the weather gets a bit blowy 😆
    What ya gonna do then ?

    xdc the doc

    aint seen any devil worshipping here yet…. quite the contrary. If you don’t go to church twice on Sundays you are seen to be a heathen (yes that’s right… you need to go to church TWICE here to get to heaven… the kids must hate it.)

    As for the other…. the sheep here sure have pretty mouths 🙂 I have just discovered that if you wear extra big wellies you can stick their back legs in them before attempting anythng… stops em running away a treat. 😯




    Okay after that truly scary comment…..

    Have went out and bought COD4 and The Orange Box. If AOL dont come through i am going to be very very very upset and there may be some fire involved.

    Whats everyone playing at the moment?


    Team Fortress 2 (In orange box) and COD 4. both are execellent games 🙂


    COD 4!!!!

    Me knows mouse will like


    no flamethrowers though 🙁

    TF makes up for that


    Have installed COD4 and is running fine but cant online yet due to AO fucking L.

    Worse than that have tried to install Orange Box but get as far a Installing Steam which doesnt really want to work so am screwed.

    Bugger, Bum, Bollocky, Cheese Weasle eating, Lefty, Pinko, Blighters!!!!

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