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    I actually agree with LEGiT for once, bring back the love nest Titans!!


    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    @PoD[1st-BW] wrote:

    Fook, all on conquest and I am on friggin Iceland 😈

    Got some good two4one deals at the moment 😆

    crispy chicken parcels. king pawn rinnng

    fuggin hate that advert


    yeah, can we have the titan mode back please.


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Shopping pod?

    shop, shops, only whalehunter here,

    apart from that, the overall population of Reykjavik is 300K people……

    …..of which 200k are women



    @PoD[1st-BW] wrote:

    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Shopping pod?

    shop, shops, only whalehunter here,

    apart from that, the overall population of Reykjavik is 300K people……

    …..of which 200k are women


    Yeah but it costs you the price od a small mortgage just to buy and pint 👿


    OK its back on Titan (mixed) mode.

    Conquest only fans can start posting again now…


    How’s about .. for conquest we use titan only maps IE the ones we never get to play (Suez Canal???) and for titan maps, we just use the other titan maps that we ain’t using for conquest ❗ ❗ ❗


    @LeGIt wrote:

    How’s about .. for conquest we use titan only maps IE the ones we never get to play (Suez Canal???) and for titan maps, we just use the other titan maps that we ain’t using for conquest ❗ ❗ ❗

    Eh? 😕

    There are only 5 titan enabled maps. In mixed mode (which is whats on the server) we play these alternated with the 5 conquest only maps.

    In conquest only mode all 10 maps are played as conquest (the titan maps rescale nicely with different spawn points in conquest mode).

    Not sure i understand what u mean Legit ❓


    Play a titan map in titan mode – then play a different titan map in conquest mode…. ie a titan map that always crashes on titan mode (suez canal!) 😉


    I think he means take out the standard conquest maps and just have titan maps as the conquest ones…. I think.

    So you’d have the server running only Titan maps, but some in conquest mode and some in titan mode and the standard conquest maps wouldn’t be there at all, so there would be no standard conquest maps and only titan maps in conquest mode with other titan maps in titan mode.

    XDC MadHippy

    @Ronathon wrote:

    I think he means take out the standard conquest maps and just have titan maps as the conquest ones…. I think.

    So you’d have the server running only Titan maps, but some in conquest mode and some in titan mode and the standard conquest maps wouldn’t be there at all, so there would be no standard conquest maps and only titan maps in conquest mode with other titan maps in titan mode.

    😕 😕 😯 😯 😯 😕 😕


    Huh? 😕



    current map cycle:

    Belgrade – Conquest
    Minsk – Titan
    Camp Gibralter – Conq
    Shuhia Taiba – Titan
    Cerbere Landing – Conq
    Sidi Power Plant – Titan
    Fall of Berlin – Conq
    Suez – Titan
    Tunis – Conq
    Verdun – Titan

    proposed map cycle:

    Minsk – Titan
    Shuhia Taiba – conquest
    Sidi Power Plant – Titan
    Suez – conquest
    Verdun – Titan

    or something like that. I think what Wipers was saying though is that you can’t do this. If a map is Titan enabled it always runs as a Titan map when the server is on mixed mode. The only way to get a Titan map to run as conquest is put the server in Conquest mode, and then you can’t have any maps running in Titan mode. Possibly.




    @Deicist wrote:

    or something like that. I think what Wipers was saying though is that you can’t do this. If a map is Titan enabled it always runs as a Titan map when the server is on mixed mode. The only way to get a Titan map to run as conquest is put the server in Conquest mode, and then you can’t have any maps running in Titan mode. Possibly.

    Erm I’m not sure thats true. I think it is possible to have titan enabled maps as conquest maps while the server is in Titan mode. If this is the case then we could have the titan enabled maps added to the rotation as conquest maps thus doubling the number of conquest maps whilst retaining the titan maps. Then everybody will be happy. Except those who want more titan maps….

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