Classic 1v1’s

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    Because we’ve been focusing a lot on our coops vs the computer, and really only trying to introduce newer players to the 1v1 side of COH with the mini tourney, I thought I’d highlight where the game is really played. The “classic” games are played through the automatch function on the multiplayer screen, and it’s through these games that you achieve you’re official ranking.

    When you select automatch you’re brought to a screen where you can specify which side or map you would like to play, then you start a search and Relic matches you up with someone within the same skill range according to your ranking. You rank up pretty fast at the start, so even if you’re initially playing someone with a higher rank, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re that good. For example I’ve been awarded level 3 with 3 wins as Wehrmacht, and 4 defeats, but out of those 3 wins, anyone here could have beaten two of the guys (they were basically sleeping for the whole games). On the other hand, the defeats were all heavy, so you have to be prepared to take it on the chin occasionally as well. The replay system though means that you win no matter what, as you can rerun the game and see exactly how you were beaten, then hopefully not make the mistakes again.

    The same applies obviously to our games between each other, but these are little more forgiving and, because you don’t see as wide a range of play, your learning curve is limited. I don’t know about others, but I find myself having to pluch up a bit of courage to dive into an automatch, probably because I hate being beat. If you do want to take the plunge though, approach it with the attitude that it’s a learning experience and, believe me, it’s really worth it when you achieve that first win 🙂 I also find it helps to adopt a never say die attitude when it’s clear you’re being outclassed, and just try and inflict as much pain on your opponent for as long as you can 🙂


    Oh and a wee tip if you’ve got opposing fronts. Don’t select the random option for your team, unless you’re really feeling ambitious 🙂 I ended up playing as Panzer Elite last night in a game, and didn’t have a clue what I was doing.

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