death of pc gaming

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  • #17694
    xdc magicker
    xdc the doc

    I cant view it – whats the gist of it?


    I guess you can figure out the entire discussion from the sales figures. PC games are selling in the thousands, most failing to break the 100k barrier, whereas the same titles are selling by the million on consoles, these were retail figures only, so didn’t include games bought through the likes of steam, plus I think they were US only. They also touched on a point made by a developer of COD4, who said the figures of people using cracked versions online were astounding, and this affects pc sales and eventually developer’s attitudes to pc titles.

    I really hope that if games do go the console route in future, which I’m still skeptical of but the sales figures speak for themselves, they can sort out a better control system for FPS games.


    I really hope that if games do go the console route in future, which I’m still skeptical of but the sales figures speak for themselves, they can sort out a better control system for FPS games.

    Amen to that!

    xdc magicker

    having tried to pla fps games on the ps2 i am very concerned about the future

    by the sounds of it the cod4 guy was seeing more cracked players than legit – now that must be a depressing thing to see.


    One thing they could do is let us PC gamers loose on XBox live servers, making them compatible for pc users, and then laugh as all the hardcore xboxers realise the difference and come our way.


    Also mentioned the fact that people were getting fed up of constantly upgrading their hardware when new games come out giving Crysis as an example.

    Sales figures say it all really. PC gaming is fecked. 🙁

    crazy hippo

    its basicly saying that pc titles didnt sell very much last year compared to console games, and the two guys who btw are not exactly what i would terribly enigmatic reviewer are speculating that pc gaming is dying and more pc games will be ports of console games etc.

    its nothing new and i dont think its anything to worry about. it just that more idiots own console games and buy into the hype so buy crap games like kane and lynch and assasins creed. and im happy with that 🙂


    You can get a mouse and keyboard thats supported in some Xbox games now. Although the mouse might be one of those things you need to allow in the server gamemode.

    I’m still a PC gamer through and through though, I don’t own any consoles and I have enough games on my PC to keep me going. Too many really, The Witcher is getting neglected, I really should finish that game at some point.

    I really don’t want to play FPS games on a console, they are never as good. Played Halo3 and Perfect Dark Zero on my mates Xbox and neither are that great.


    Well as the usual crap about pc sales down hit the headlines every 2 years I’m not too worried, I mean how many games do people expect you to buy in a year especially when they cost 25 30 quid a pop, I mean I bought 2142 nearly two years ago and I’m still playing it (yes the only one) and the next game I buy will probably be COD and that should last me another year hopefully, so I’m not going to buy more than probably two games in a year.

    It would be nice to be able to buy 10 games a month buts what the point, you never finish them, you have to upgrade your pc to run them properly(Now that a have a fairly decent rig I dusted off X3 reunion and now that game runs at top notch which it could never do when I bought it orignally.

    Why should I go and buy another game when I have 5 on my shelf which I can now run in top res. Apart from ARMA cuz that game is shite and is never going back on my machine unless Fenix begs me too and even then money is going to have to change hands, 😉

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