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  • #14877
    xdc magicker

    Ok now that i have reached the 1000 BS stage ,…. where the hell do you get deut from to move the bastard things!!!

    mines? trading? stealing……
    all of the above. I have found some fantastic targets but they are miles awayand cost a fortune to get there…


    i barely have enough to fleet save


    xdc the doc

    I suggest u tell me where these great targets are u git!

    You could try trading for deut within the alliance… but unless you are willing to pay well above the going rates for the rest of the universe you will quickly get fed up with all the abuse you are getting and try and get it some other way 😈

    One tip though… if you do decide to pay 3:2:1 then theres no point having a fleet at all as all your res from crashes will be scooped up by the greedy deut traders 😛

    One other tip – having a deathstar does make long fleet saves a bit more cost effective…. but when I think about how much getting graviton costed me I really wonder wether it was worthwhile after all!


    Doc you are such a tight fisted muppet!

    Don’t listen to him magicker, although it is possible to trade at better rates outside the alliance, this is fraught with danger of rip offs etc, and doesn’t help the lower ranked members of the alliance. I say, as always, trade to anyone you want at whatever rates you want outside the alliance, but inside XDC the rate should be 3:2:1. Which BTW you benefit from if you decide to sell stuff too.

    Doc fundamentally disagrees with my XDC fair trade ideals, but that is only because he is fundamentally wrong 😈

    And as for the comment as to losing all your raiding profit to greedy deut traders..let’s look at one of Docs raids shall we 🙂

    With 1’515 Battleships, 1 cruiser and 50 Bombers

    C a p t u r e

    Metal: 752’100
    Crystal: 381’332
    Deuterium: 1’122’867

    Then the Debris Field:

    Your 425 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 8500000. At the target, 5’178’300 Metal & 3’020’400 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 5 178 300 metal and 3’020’406 crystal.

    Then the follow ups:

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured
    3179375 metal, 191707 crystal, and 691960 deuterium

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured
    1589685 metal, 95882 crystal, and 345989 deuterium

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured
    794845 metal, 47953 crystal, and 172999 deuterium

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured
    397444 metal, 23986 crystal, and 86504 deuterium

    Thats 11’891’689 Metal, 3’761’260 crystal and 2’420’319 Deuterium

    Now sending that attack fleet alone across 50 systems costs 472,428 deuterium and across 100 systems 773’617, plus all your recyclers and cargoes, but anyway..lets say the total is 1 million Deuterium for that attack (probably more like 600k). At alliance trade rates thats 3 million metal or 2 million crystal.

    So you either make 11’891’689 Metal 1’761’260 and 2’420’319 Deut profit, or you make 8’891’689 Metal 3’761’260 and 2’420’319 Deut profit…

    Still a hell of a lot of profit and you’re helping the alliance and the hard earned res is staying within the alliance…everyone’s a winner!!!!

    Don’t listen to Docs pleas of being hard done by, he is tighter than a gnat’s chuff.. 😈

    In Doc’s defence he does reward well and fairly if you do an ACS with him, or nuke a planet he is hitting, have to say that…

    four-aces deluxe

    Everyone gets 3-2-1 from me as a matter of principle. Doc you should be day-trading not wasting your time on ogame 😉

    Once you get a big enough fleet Magicker send a colony ship (yeah you’ll have to ditch a planet) to a few systems away from your real target. Colonise slot 1 and it will look like you are hunting someone in that system (don’t know why it’s just what the big boys seem to do) then send your fleet there very slowly. And hit your real target for very little cost… (just an idea – haven’t done it myself yet).


    give me my moon chance and I will tells ya 🙂


    to ressurect a dead thread….

    I sent a circ message, but i’ve got around 850k deut up for sale, lookin for mostly metal but a m/c mix will also be allowed, cuz i’m so niceynice. Anyone?

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