Docs belated oblivion review.

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    xdc the doc

    I was put well off this game by SOIA’a review a few months ago and resolved not to buy it.

    With my latest broadband fuck ups though I have been scouting round for a SP to kill some time and a mate of mine gave me a loan of his copy.

    I think its excellent really. The graphics are fantastic, the stories interesting and varied, and you really do get the feeling of having a free flowing ability to do whatever the hell you like.

    I know SOIA was annoyed at the way the dynamjcs worked with regard to enemies/getting gear etc – but I honestly cant see any huge issues here.

    Basically as you progress in the game your enemies are scaled up appropriately – with bigger rewards as a result. This would be annoying if it was unbalanced at all – but I found it kept pace quite nicely with my character. Ive been playing it for weeks now and only just got round to completing the main quests and found the gameplay balance just right all the way through – battles were always reasonably challenging without being overly so… and since my expenses (repairing magic items/buying lock picks/ recharhging stuff/buying houses) increased exponentially I never found that I had TOO much money.

    The dungeon delving can be a bit samey after a while – but my response to this would be to say just dont do any more exploring once you have had your fill… just stick to doing little side quests which are usually a bit more diverting.

    Id also recommend not doing the main quest story too quickly.. let it linger on for a few weeks as you get used to the world and it will work out better.

    If any of you gave up after a week or so – get back and try the main storyline again – its quite fun actually.



    I agree its farking great game.

    I have been thinking for a while about playing it again so i can complete every mission


    It is a very good game though I do not like the way you level up , is too easy and quick and you could do most missions as level one , may I recommend using OSCUROS OBLIVION OVERHAUL it is a very well developed mod.

    check it out makes the game a lot more enjoyable , I turned to it when every bandit I killed dropped glass swords ect .


    Good game, I enjoyed Might and Magic more .. you can kick peopel! woop

    XDC MadHippy

    Great Game


    Playing this could lead down the path of warcraft!

    Went from Oblivion to WoW and now I have no life!! 😥 😥

    xdc the doc

    Hah – it does appeal to me as a sort of WOW lite… similar concepts and carrot/stick approach to making you want to level up… but none of the life sucking time wasting implications that WOW seems to cause.

    I know fine well if I got into WOW my life would be screwed time wise… so like a sensible addict Im staying well clear. At least Oblivion gets boroing after a few weeks and you can tear yourself away. A dynamic ever changing world? Thats scary.

    XDC MadHippy

    Tell me about it! Been playin since 10th feb and I’ve got a lvl 33 and a lvl19 and no life. Missus has already threatened to leave (which would leave more time for playing 😈 )


    Listen Doc, everyone in your game of Oblivion really hates your f***ing guts.

    Here’s why:

    Before you arrived;

    Dave “How do, Kings Ranger? You okay mate, you got a fat face today – your glands up or something?”
    Rodders “Aye not bad ta. Eeh though, I gotta tell you this, you’re not gonna believe it!”
    Dave “What’s that then?”
    Rodders “I was walking through the woods t’other day…”
    Dave “Through the woods you say? Whereabouts?
    Rodders “I’ll be fucked if I know mate, this place all looks the same to me.”
    Dave “True, true. I can’t be arsed to go out anymore, bores me to death, we all just stay inside and watch telly. That’s happen why everyone’s got a fat face round here.”
    Rodders “Aye, I know. Anyway, as I was saying I was walking around in all the grass and trees everywhere trying not to fall into a coma when I suddenly saw this huge glowing red portal!”
    Dave “Get lost, you’re having me on.”
    Rodders “No, straight up, there it was looking totally out of place and a bit threatening but I thought I’d go have a gander”
    Dave “Bloody hell, sounds ominous. No monsters were coming out of it I hope?”
    Rodders “Nah, nothing to worry about. Got over there and there were all these miniature Billie Piper lookalikes milling about. They got a bit arsey but I just kicked their faces off. No problem.”
    Dave “Ah, that’s alright then. Hey, did you hear about Derek? He accidentally burned down Kvatch.”
    Rodders “Oh yeah, I’d heard about that, got pissed I think and no-one knows how he managed it. Silly fucker! He’s a laugh though.”
    Dave “Yeah. Anyway, I got to go, I’m meeting the wife in 5 minutes. We’re off into town, gonna walk it. Grass and trees, grass and trees. Jesus!”
    Rodders “Fair enough, have a good ‘un. How is the wife by the way?”
    Dave “Ah you know, fat face, looks like a bloke in drag, just like all the other birds round here”
    Rodders “Yeah I know, why do we bother? Anyway, take care mate.”

    (Christ, this is taking ages to explain, I’ll carry on explaining later if anyone gives a monkeys.)


    Dave “Evening Rodders, had a good day?”
    Rodders “Not bad, not bad. Saw some grass and trees. The usual”
    Dave “I’ve gotta tell you this, this is gold this is. Do you know Sally?”
    Rodders “Hmm…”
    Dave “You know, she’s in the Blades. Looks like a bloke in drag, got a fat face.”
    Rodders “Oh yeah, walks around in random directions, bit of a Benny. Yeah, I know her.”
    Dave “Well she was telling me how the King went down into the dungeons, put on his best Star Trek voice and convinced this fat faced buffoon that he was going to be some kind of hero. He even got Phil to pretend to kill him. Gave the numpty that necklace thing he won on that pier in Bridlington and told him it was dead important like. Sent him on some daft quest.”
    Rodders “Hahaha! That king of ours – what a rotten cunt he is!”
    Dave “It gets even better though, sent him to see his mad vicar mate. He wasn’t in on it and the King thought it’d end there, you know when the pillock asked for a left handed broadsword or something. But no, quick as a flash this geezer realises the King is on the wind up and sends numbnuts to see the Kings son. Got the silly fucker running round like a blue arsed fly.”
    Rodders “Jesus Christ, hadn’t he cottoned on yet?”
    Dave “No this daft sod’s lapping it up! Off he toddles through all the bloody grass and trees and when he gets to Martin that silly bugger puts on his best Sean Bean voice and they all blame the Billie Piper lookalikes for burning down Kvatch and send him off into one of them portals you were on about! Eeeh, none of ‘em know how they all managed to keep a straight face even now.”
    Rodders “Classic, what a plank this bloke must be. Did he ever come out?”
    Dave “Yeah turns up a bit later looking dead pleased with himself. They all thanked him for being dead heroic and sent him up to that Blades castle according to Sal. Pretty sure he’ll either just get lost on the way or the penny will finally drop. Tell you, if I see him I’m walking up to him and hitting round the head and shouting ‘Hello, McFly, hello!’ at him. He’ll probably think it’s part of his bloody quest though.”
    Rodders “Well I’ve heard it all now, the silly voices were a great touch but telling him the Billie Pipers burned down Kvatch – can’t believe he took it in. Brilliant. Gonna have to go for a piss, get the beers in.”

    XDC MadHippy

    Quaility as always SOIA. Got told off at work for laughing out loud.

    “Billie Pipers” ROFL!!!!

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


    Rodders “Get yer coat Dave, We’ve got to go see Barney, he’s in the hospital.”
    Dave “Jesus, what happened? Is he okay? Should I bring some grapes”
    Rodders “Bring some if you like fella but you might as well mash em up because the poor bastards going to be eating through a straw for the next 6 months. He was walking home from seeing his mum when he got jumped by half a dozen minotaurs.”
    Dave “Eh? I’ve never even seen a minotaur, where the hell did they come from?”
    Rodders “That’s nothing, all the bandits have dead flash armour now and those ridiculous portals are chucking out giant crocodile monsters. It’s all going to shit.”
    Dave “What’s going on then? Something must have happened?”
    Rodders “Yeah, it seems that the pillock that the King sent out on that made up quest has been doing this thing called ‘levelling up’ and as a consequence bigger monsters are appearing from nowhere and the bandits are getting better armour.”
    Dave “Err, come again?”
    Rodders “I know, I know….”
    Dave “No Rodders, the thing is you don’t know. Just think about what you’re saying here. You’re saying that 1 person, that’s just 1 person runs around this bland featureless shithole for a few days and then out of absolutely nowhere all this shite happens just because he reaches level fucking 14. Right honest Rodders, I was born at night but not last night. That makes no kind of logical sense whatsoever. It’s stupid beyond belief. Words cannot express how cretinous that is.”
    Rodders “Look Dave, I’m just telling you how it is. Yes, it’s ridiculous. Yes, you’d have to lobotomise yourself to even think it makes half an ounce of sense but I’m telling you that’s why. It wouldn’t be so bad if this geezer was doing anything useful but he’s just running through miles of grass and trees and then going into those caves and old temples.”
    Dave “But why mate? Everywhere looks exactly the same and all the caves and temples are just as bad. You’ve been in one, you’ve been in ‘em all.”
    Rodders “Honestly Dave, no-one knows. It’s fair to say that he’s getting right on everyone’s tits now though. Okay, a joke’s a joke but this is bloke should just do one as far as I’m concerned.”
    Dave “Yeah, he’s got me right pissed off now. I can see him getting a right shoeing once I’ve been to see Barney.”
    Rodders “Don’t you worry about that mate, that cunts getting glassed next time I see him.”

    So anyway Doc, you get the idea. If I were you I’d go out and get Vampire, Bloodlines or Jade Empire instead. They’re far better games anyway.



    xdc the doc

    Lol…. I see your point SOIA – but at the end of the day – I dont know how else they could do it better – maybe I should check out these games youre talking about…. 😀


    Jades empire?

    I didnt think you were the big brother type…!

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