I’ve got 9 tickets (yes free) for the Falklands Experience on 29 Jun 07 at the Veterans Grand Marquee, Centenary Square, Birmingham starting from 18:00hrs. Speakers 19:00 – 21:30 hrs.
The evening is about an insight into the Falklands conflict from the people that experianced it first hand, including:
Commander Ken Enticknap, HMS Ardent
Commander Tim Gedge, AFC RN
Brigadier Ian Gardiner, Coy Comd 45 Cdo RM
I know some of you might be interested so PM me if you want a ticket.
i wish i was able to go to this as it would be fascinating. having lived in the falklands for 2 years and spoken to many people both military that were there and civlians and i have nothing but admiration for all of the people that were there. more over the locals even to this day are so grateful to the troops that liberated them.