Finally discovered why BFBC crashes my PC

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  • #19118
    xdc magicker

    As I mentioned in the BFBC2 thread I cant play for more than 5 mins without my PC crashing.. well it just kept getting worse. It got to the point that the PC was not stable under windows and the monitor would turn off for no reason and the video fan was getting louder and louder and that blasted things is LOUD!!! the PC was still running ‘cos you could still remote into it… eventually it pissed Lisa off enough that she made me look at it properly.

    Turns out the 4870×2 has a stack of LEDs on top telling you important things.. such as the middle LED which was lit up when the monitor went off telling me that it was getting too hot… hmmm

    so after running out of ideas I decided it was time to dig out the screw drivers.. it did not take long to spot the problem…

    xdc magicker

    Yes after 18 months of owning this baby an entire wall of dust had blocked the heatsink.. this is the stupidest design I have ever seen with a blatant fail point. no air was reaching the 2 giant heat sinks…

    here is the thing attacked with a screw driver..

    xdc magicker

    This is clearly a stupid system.. no wonder the bloody fan has to sound like a hair dryer to get any air to the 2nd heatsink

    time for a cunning plan…

    time to dich these..

    xdc magicker

    and run off the maplins for a couple of new 80mm fans and some zip ties.. slap it all together for this..

    xdc magicker

    I now have a super cool 4870×2 that runs soooo quiet even at full tilt..

    i can recommend this to anyone who

    a) has a dusty room and
    b) has lots of space in their case.

    Me and Riley just had our 1st real session playing BFBC2 for more than an hour with no crashing… and I called this games all names.. sorry for that


    Maybe this is what is happening to mine…

    You may have solved my probs also lol, might nip off to Maplins on my lunch on Tues to test it out…


    Glad you sorted out your problem Magicker.
    I have no idea about the amount of crap inside my fans but I suspect it could do with a good cleaning out as well.

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