Given moons

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    So anyone done this aside from me?

    A newer guy wouldnt stop probing me and I got pissed one night so I sent him a little present for the next morning. He ended up losing less than 40 ships and very little Defense. I didnt lose a ship and yet he still managed to get a moon!! Brutal eh?


    We swap moon chances a lot. I know dr1p and doc between the two of them have given countless moons…look at the Doc’s thread down below, he posted all is Hall of Fame hits. I think Axile gives a lot of moons also…I’ve given a moon too 8)


    Hi Arturius,

    I managed to defend one of Alzir’s planets and gave him a moon, but the ingrate doesn’t play Ogame anymore. Bah!

    Axile and Queeks are the resident moon makers (at least in an intentional way) and dr1p and the doc mostly do it by accident 😉


    I have four moons!
    Unfortunatley they are spread across 2 Uni’s

    welcome to xdc ogame 🙂


    Oh and I probably should have mentioned I’m here w/ Mafia66…I was looking for a new alliance and he suggested his…


    @Arturius wrote:

    Oh and I probably should have mentioned I’m here w/ Mafia66…I was looking for a new alliance and he suggested his…

    Im sure there is a secret message here… but im not sure what it is 🙂

    Ello Bud 🙂

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