graphics settings

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    I seem to remember being able to see vehicles and infantry almost as far away as terrain and objects, but for far too long they have suddenly been popping into existence about 150-200 metres in front of me (outside of scope vision), is there any particular setting that controls this and if so what setting should it be at for best effect?


    Same problem here. I find that if I want to scan for tanks/helis up ahead I look to the side and they appear in the corner of the screen but dissapear if I look at them head on at about 300m+


    messy helped me out earlier seems if i put my textures to low and geometry to high this seems to fix the problem guess my comp needs an upgrade 😥


    I have all settings maxed out no problems 🙄


    @Divie wrote:

    messy helped me out earlier seems if i put my textures to low and geometry to high this seems to fix the problem guess my comp needs an upgrade 😥

    Its not your comp its the fucking huge ass memory leak and wank coding that bf2 has.

    What the optimizing shaders bs does is tweak the rendering/draw options so the game runs as best as the shatty game can.

    So you can have everything turned up in the fx settings to make it look nice but if the optimizer thinks that your computer is not quite fast enough to do it,
    it will make units draw closer to you so your game runs better.

    Its just a shit system to try and cover up the memory leak.


    yeah i’ve always had this problem of been fired at by invisible vehicles. Its a bit of a bugger tbh.

    Don’t want to spend any money till all the direct 10/vista stuff has settled. (well that i i need the money 🙂 )


    Since I’ve been playing competitive, here’s how I have my settings so you can see everything or anyone hiding within shadows, ect….

    Lighting – LOW
    Dynamic Shadows – OFF
    Dynamic Light – OFF

    Really brightens things up and you can spot people really easy. 🙂


    @Morph wrote:

    Since I’ve been playing competitive, here’s how I have my settings so you can see everything or anyone hiding within shadows, ect….

    Lighting – LOW
    Dynamic Shadows – OFF
    Dynamic Light – OFF

    Really brightens things up and you can spot people really easy. 🙂

    hmmmm.. tried that last night and got pounded by At’ers and tanks outside my vision, like a few hundred yards!! 🙁 went back to full everything except anti-anal-iasing, and could see much more. ahh well worth a try!

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