Great new game!

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  • #16185
    xdc the doc

    I saw GTA 3 for a fiver in Asda the other day and bought it on impulse. I actually confused it with its sequal Vice city LOL – but anyhoo….

    Graphics are a bit dated, though it runs like a dream with full draw distance and at 1900*1200. The stories are cool and Im having a lot of fun causing mayhem around Liberty city.

    I know I know – you have all probably played this game years ago… but if any1 missed it like me – why not give it a bash? Unless you are Insane or NOm – who will of course just download it as there is no MP 🙄


    Oi why just me and him.. I think you’ll find 99% of XDC TRBtB your the 1% that doesnt 🙂

    Anyhoos.. GTA3 was one of the best, but I’m fussy and rarely play games ported from console to PC.. GTA is a console game to ME *Others have diff opinions I’m sure*.. oh and I’m waiting for this exclusive to XBOX 360

    oo 6 days to the trailer .. cant wait to see what it looks like on next gen! 😀


    xdc the doc

    Lol I know Insane – nothing personal. It still annoys me though 🙂

    So… once i finish this – should i get vice city or just go straight for san andreas?


    umm.. Vice city I reckon.. SA is teh gangster one … kool! 🙂


    I’m going through San Andreas for PC on and off at the moment – it’s good fun. I did find Vice City a LOT easier to get into than GTA3 though; VC has bikes, can buy houses and it has some pretty decent 80’s music too 8) I don’t think that means there was anything wrong with GTA 3 as it was OK too, I just like Vice City more 😯 San Andreas would be worth moving on to after you have done VC.. but then again I think I’d still rather play VC… maybe it’s just because of the retro feel of the ’80s I dunno but San Andreas still has it’s merits: pimp yourself up with tatoos, clothes and hair as well as going to the gym to get buff and lvling up your driving and shooting skills RPG style ❗ ❗

    There is an online Mod for GTA 3/VC IIRC but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was called, but there is the hidden porno games mod for SA called Hot Coffee if you’re interested…


    doc ya getting on me tits now…right i only ever play mp… sp… it ?

    i am not spending money on a game to find it a complete pile of shit….so i like to try the mp/engine/physics …..the games i play online i buy..

    knew you doctors had trouble writing didnt know it applied to reading too


    aye that be the only difference about the PC version.. the Mods you can get 🙂


    n0m has boobies!


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    n0m has boobies!

    yup and you get on em ya get bitch slapped

    xdc the doc

    Hey nom – dont get tetchy with me… I hate the sin, not the sinner 😀

    I can read your points well enough m8 – but I believe the try before you buy thing already exists in the form of ‘demos’

    Its a basic fact of trade that you need to use different techniques to sell your products… you can try and build up hype before hand through teasers or spending loads on advertising… get a buzz around it in other words.

    In the old days savvy consumers would read reviews, speak to friends and then vote with their wallets, and less savvy ones would at least let the companies make a bit from their stupid purchases. In this new world of relentless copying theres just no point however… the whole system, collapses you see? If you can have your fill of any game before you decide to buy it… why would you? The fact that you have publically said you are seeding Stalker to goodness knows how many hundreds of people means that you are most definately part of the problem, not just an innocent bystander. My point is that just because its an easy crime doesent make it victimless. At the end of the day people are going to stop making games/or keep the prices of the ones out there artificially high because of dwindling margins… that affects us all.

    Anyway dont come after me NOM… its neon you should worry about – hes the one telling his old mates in FAST about ya 😀


    doc have you ever dl an early release by one of the well known crack teams?….read the nfo file…every crack team (of any worth) states the points you have made and states that if they enjoy the game/software to go out and buy it…ask Insane

    do you think i would rush out and buy any game recommended by max…..i aint a millionaire ya know


    MAN BREASTS !!!!!!


    Can I touch them? 😯


    You’d have to say that San Andreas is probably better than Vice City because it’s bigger, more features, more minigames, more of everything really. But I’m with Legit all the way, Vice City for me. The cheesy 80’s setting and radio channels beats the frankly fucking annoying “black gangsta” rap shit that is the basis of San Andreas. I’m afraid that I missed the appeal of the whole MTV yo yo yo rap bollocks since 1) I’m not black 2) I didn’t grow up in da projects on Manhatten Island and 3) I try to avoid MTV. I’m sorry, but I can only sit through so many cut scenes of homies shouting “Sheeet, nigger I’m gonna pop a cap in dat muthafucka” at each other before I just shake my head and turn it off.

    I’ve got an idea Doc – why don’t you download ‘em both for free then you can see for yourself!

    (If you own a PS2 then you should probably just buy Canis Canem Edit instead, it’s a better laugh than any of em).

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