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  • #15007

    i dont know if im just one of those guys who picks fights or if im just surrounded by assholes, but this guy Bleys sure isnt liking me right now. i tried to crash his fleet, and in the process missiled a lot of defense down, he ended up being online and fleetsaved and told me he was aways on. so i continued to probe and stalk and he was all like “ur never going to get me” kind of talk and moved his fleet out of phalanx range. so i come out of vac mode today and find a small worthless fleet on hisplanet, so i destroyed the rest of his defense and crashed his fleet (large cargos, some recyclers and a few probes) and dont plan on getting the debris feild to prov my point. so i send him a message “always on?” hinting that i just got him while he was away, and this is what he says back:

    “How did you get so many points when you are SO horrible at this game, seriously? Another 25 missles for 60K in resources (you should try sending cargos) and a 100K in fleet DF? Are you SERIOUS? You have lost a FORTUNE in res and points on me, and gotten . . . SURVEY SAYS ….. ALMOST NOTHING, LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

    Seriously, does your cool alliance know HOW baddly you suck at Ogame?”

    and then after i tell him basically that he’s and ass:

    “You crack me up. Yes, I say you suck at this game. Of COURSE you can obliterate me in Universe 5, I have had my account here since August, 2006, how about you? Yeah, thats right, almost ONE YEAR LONGER!!

    Come on up to Uni 23 buddy, lets see who’s got game. You think because you can squish someone with 1000s and 1000s less points that makes you “good”?? LOL, thats hilarious, seriously. Tell the boys on AIM how cool you are! Please!!”

    “Ah, well there you go, your a snot-nosed punk griefer, someone who gets enjoyment from the misery of others, eh? Gee, I didnt spot that INSTANTLY which is WHY I have been such a prick to you in the FIRST place, dork.

    You are losing these arguements baddly man. You grief away, and justify it any way you want too, but in the end, heres how it went down:

    You tried to crash me and missed. You didnt like it. Now your being a dick about it, DETERMINED to ruin my day.

    Close enough?”


    LOL not gonna be even 1 cargo full for you when you arrive man.

    Hey, how did that 81 cruiser attack work out against my Recyclers . . . oh yeah, you LOST TWO OF THEM, LOL.

    Your not even a very good griefer man, I am actually getting a TON of amusement out of you.”

    and on and on and on….



    four-aces deluxe

    Well said! 🙂


    Like most games, there’s a certain amount of emphasis on being gracious in defeat. This guy is being a complete dick, and yes you are trying to ruin his day. Of course you are, he deserves to have his day ruined.

    If he’d just sent you a first email saying: “Ya got me, but I saved my fleet! I think I’ll be stocking up on ABM’s in the future.” Then you’d probably have left him alone.

    When I was at school, a local policeman came around and said to us not to make ourselves ‘victims’; walking away from fights, not flashing money around in public, not going where you know where there’s gonna be trouble etc.

    This ‘tard who’s been mailing you would walking in Harlem, flashing his money around and after he got mugged insulted his attackers mothers. He’d be found dead in some alleyway somewhere.

    You’re just trying to teach him the error of his ways before that happens 😉

    xdc magicker

    come on then spill the beans – who is he and where is he at?


    fortunately, i got him banned, his name is bleys heres a list of the planets i know of:


    and like i said, he’s non vac mode banned, hit him 6 times each planet.

    also, just before he said the word ‘bullshit’ he told me that he was retiring this uni anyway, so i got him to quit. yay!


    i thought he had a point 😈

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